Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key titles below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Adventures Into Terror
(1950 - 1954)
Marvel horror stories from the Golden Age of Comics! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Adventures Into Weird Worlds
(1952 - 1954)
A science-fiction/horror anthology series from Marvel! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Amazing Adult Fantasy
(1961 - 1994)
This Marvel offering was in the suspense/horror vein - but this title is mostly known as the precursor of the comic that introduced Spider-Man (in issue #15, dropping the "Adult"from the title).See what the earlier issues go for by clicking above!

Amazing Fantasy
(1962 - 2005)
The iconic first appearance of SPIDER-MAN! It goes without saying that this is one of the most valuable comic books ever! See examples of the extraordinary prices that this classic is fetching by clicking the link! If you have it, Quality is buying!

Amazing Mysteries
(1949 - 1950)
The last issue of the true crime stories, the Amazing Mysteries series!

Amazing Spider-Man Annual
(1964 - 2018)
The annual issues of the superhero that brought back the hero comics!

(1963 - 2006)
This comic book solidified Marvel's position as the #1 purveyor of Silver-Age hero greatness! So many important characters in the Marvel Universe were introduced within these pages, we can't list them all! Follow the link for key-issues and prices!

Avengers Annual
(1967 - 2005)
Your favourite Marvel Heroes, together in an annual special edition! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Black Knight
(1955 - 1956)
Return to medieval times to follow the adventures of the greatest knight of all time! Find out what copies of this comic are selling for by using our online price guide!

Captain America
(1968 - 2002)
Since Marvel brought Cap back from the dead in the 60's, he has remained one of the most popular and collectible characters! See the key issues on Quality's price guide!

Captain America Annual
(1971 - 2018)
The annual volumes of Earth’s oldest and most classic superhero!

Captain Marvel
(2012 - 2014)
The most marvelous superhero from Marvel Comics in one of its most recent appearances! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Comedy Comics
(1948 - 1950)
Back when there was no Captain America and Marvel decided we should have a laugh! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Conan The Barbarian
(1970 - 1993)
THE premier sword and sorcery comic book from Marvel's prolific Bronze-age! Collectors hunt endlessly for issue #23 - which introduces RED SONJA! See values in our price-guide!

(1964 - 2010)
The Man Without Fear was one of the most original heroes introduced by Marvel in the 60's! See if you may have any of the key issues by clicking the title link!

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu
(1974 - 1977)
Not all superheroes are American. Some live in China too! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

(1970 - 1986)
In the tradition of The Avengers, Marvel introduced "supergroup" The Defenders in the 70's. A consistently enjoyable title, #10 is a key issue in the "Avengers/Defenders War" saga! This in-demand book has been selling for respectable prices!

Doctor Strange
(1968 - 1987)
Stories about the Earth’s Master of Mystic Arts! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Edge of spider-verse
(2014 - 2015)
Discover more about the alternate reality Spider-Men in this limited series! See what copies are selling for by using our online price guide.

(1976 - 1978)
When Jack Kirby returned to Marvel in the mid-70's, he offered The Eternals from his ever fruitful imagination. When Gods Walked The Earth! Early issues are going up in demand and price! Click on the key issues for examples of recent sales...

Fantastic Four
(1961 - 2015)
This is the book that ushered in the "Marvel Age of Comics!" The FF's popularity virtually changed the focus of the whole industry back to the superhero genre! So many characters made their first appearances here - these books can be a sound investment!

Fantastic Four Annual
(1963 - 2014)
The annual stories of the most loved superhero team of the universe! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Ghost Rider
(1973 - 1983)
An envoy from hell to protect humans! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Giant-Size X-Men
(1975 - 1999)
The introduction of the "new" X-MEN was a game changer for team books! Giant-Size X-Men #1 is one of the most in-demand comics on the market, and one of the most valuable books of the 70's! See what it has been selling for by following the link!

Incredible Hulk
(1962 - 2010)
Learn what the value of your old Hulk comics are in our FREE price guide!

Iron Fist
(1975 - 1977)
A true testament to the creative prowess of Marvel Comics in the Bronze-Age, Iron Fist has remained a popular fan favorite! Look out for key issue #14, in which the notorious SABRETOOTH was introduced!

Iron Man
(1968 - 1996)
When IRON MAN was given his own title in 1968, there was no looking back! There are several key issues, most notably #55 which introduced THANOS! See Quality Comix's price guide for examples of current values...

Journey Into Mystery
(1952 - 2013)
This title features the 1st appearance of Thor! Find out what all of the best issues are worth!

Marvel Feature
(1971 - 1973)
The Defenders made their 1st appearance in Marvel Feature #1, making collector demand for the early issues steadily increase in sale-ability and value! See the respectable dollar amount these issues are demanding in our online price guide!

Marvel Premiere
(1972 - 2005)
Yet again, Marvel offered another great vehicle for introducing new characters (and reviving some older ones) in Marvel Premier! #1 formally gave us WARLOCK!#15 is the 1st appearance of IRON FIST! This title may only increase in value over time!

Marvel Previews
(2003 - 2011)
A monthly preview magazine of upcoming Marvel Comics releasing in each month's publication.

Marvel Spotlight
(1971 - 1981)
Spotlight offered comicdom the first solo appearances of many key figures in the Marvel Universe; including GHOST RIDER, MOON KNIGHT, SPIDER-WOMAN, and WEREWOLF BY NIGHT. These Bronze age books are getting hot!

Marvel Super-Heroes
(1967 - 1981)
Key issues contain the 1st appearances of CAPTAIN MARVEL and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! 'Nuff said!

(2003 - 2005)
Increasingly climbing in value, the wildly popular modern Marvel series NYX is responsible for introducing X-23 in issue #3! Check out the link to see the soaring prices this book is demanding!

Savage She-Hulk
(1980 - 1982)
The original run of the She-Hulk character from the mind of the late Stan Lee

Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos
(1963 - 1994)
The WWII exploits of Nick Fury (and his eclectic band of battlin' brothers) long before S.H.I.E.L.D. ! Perhaps the most entertaining of all war books, all the early issues are considered very desirable, including an early revival of CAPT. AMERICA in #13!

Silver Surfer
(1968 - 1982)
Silver Surfer remains one of the most collectible characters that Marvel first presented in the 60's. Virtually every issue of his first solo series is considered a key, and a potential money-earner among comic book fans! See what yours may be worth!

Star Wars
(1977 - 1986)
Marvel's series based on the ever popular movie! The key issues are #1, #42, and #107 - these are the ones fetching higher prices among collectors! See what yours may be worth by clicking the above link...

Strange Tales
(1951 - 1999)
Beginning life as a horror title in Marvel's "Atlas" period, Strange Tales became the home for solo HUMAN TORCH stories, then introduced DOCTOR STRANGE and NICK FURY! Both incarnations are very valuable! Click the title to see...

(1968 - 1994)
Sub Mariner is Marvel's longest running anti-hero, created in 1939 and revived many times. This title started in 1968 and remains a fan fave, with key issues going for top dollar! He battles TIGER SHARK, THE HULK, THE THING, and humankind in general!

Tales Of Suspense
(1959 - 2006)
Originally a monster/horror series, Marvel introduced IRON MAN in issue #39! Riding the popularity of their other hero titles, these early issues continue to be collector faves! See what these are currently selling for on our price guide...

Tales To Astonish
(1959 - 1968)
A Marvel monster book that changed direction as superheroes became popular. Issue #27 gave us Henry Pym, who became ANT-MAN, the star of the book. Then came GIANT MAN, and THE HULK and SUB MARINER. This book's key issues still demand top dollar!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(1984 - 2014)
The adventures of four shelled ninjas with a true love for pizza! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

(1966 - 2011)
Long considered Marvel's "Marquee" title, it's dynamic storytelling and art make THOR a collectible favorite, with many key issues selling for high prices! Click the title and follow current market value!

Tomb Of Dracula
(1972 - 1994)
Marvel's Bronze-Age take on the classic character was a quality book, but issues #1 and #10 are the ones in high demand...#10 introduced BLADE! The value of these books are only going to go up! Check Quality's price guide for recent sales!

Two-Gun Kid
(1948 - 1977)
One of Marvel's only- and best - long running western series was a carry-over from the "Atlas" era.They re-booted the title as a quasi-hero book with #60.Atlas copies are rare, and demanding higher prices! Check your collection and use our price guide

Werewolf By Night
(1972 - 1977)
This is the book that introduced MOON KNIGHT in issue #32! He made his 2nd appearance in #33, and both of these are highly sought after! Click on the title to see current values!

(1963 - 2010)
Kicking-off the "Mutant" craze, when X-MEN premiered in 1963, it was so different from any other team book on the market. It's consistent originality has made it one of the most important comics, spawning off-shoots. Key issues fetch big bucks!