Conan The Barbarian
Marvel // October 1970 - December 1993
Issue count: 275
THE premier sword and sorcery comic book from Marvel's prolific Bronze-age! Collectors hunt endlessly for issue #23 - which introduces RED SONJA! See values in our price-guide!

Conan The Barbarian has a much longer history than when Marvel Comics decided to do an adaptation in 1970.
The character was created by Robert E. Howard in 1929, and his stories started seeing publication in 1931 in the popular "Pulp" magazines of the day.
Howard created an entire universe around Conan, and his stories, in written form, would continue to be published for most of the 20th Century (later inspiring other authors to take up the character).
Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith spearheaded the Marvel title, which was such a consistent seller, that it would run for more than 20 years, and inspired two screen adaptations which did pretty good box-office trade (and starred Arnold, no last name necessary).
The comic adaptation, at least initially, adhered closely to Howard's original vision, retaining his original "Hyborian Age" and supporting characters.
Conan was Roy Thomas' baby, as far as writing went, but Smith would depart as full-time artist after 17 issues, returning occasionally to contribute and assist the likes of Gil Kane, Dan Adkins, and others. John Buscema, often considered the "definitive" Conan artist would assume that role with issue #25, and draw a good portion of the issues well into the 80's.
Thomas eventually surrendered his writing duties, with J.M. DeMatteis, Bruce Jones and Michael Fleischer, taking pen in hand, would continue the legacy...
Later on Marvel bullpen reliables Gerry Conway, Alfredo Alcala, Ernie Chan and newcomers Jim Lee and Michael Docherty (among others) would see the book out to it's successful run until it's final issue, in 1993.
Collectors are particularly investing in the early 70's books, whose value continues to rise, and the "holy grail" of the series is issue #23, with the introduction of major heavy-hitting character RED SONJA, who, of course would spawn a wild cult following of her own in the continuing years!
Check out what your issues may be worth by using our online price guide, which will give you a good idea of key issues, and what prices collectors are demanding!
Check out what your Conan The Barbarian issues may be worth by using our online price guide. Our guide is designed to give you a good idea of the price you’ll receive for key issues — as well as what prices collectors are demanding! We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you! Get in touch for a FREE appraisal.
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from Conan The Barbarian below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #1

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What's Conan The Barbarian #1 worth in 2025?
Marvel's Conan the Barbarian issue 1 from 1970 is still going strong and the sell of this issue has been going up as years progress. A 9.8-grade issue can come at a price of $8,100 today with its 2022 price of $14,400. If that is not in your budget, a nice fine CGC grade of 6.0 is considered fine condition (FN) is $295 as of today. That is compared to its $66 price from 2017 for a 6.0 grade. A just plain good condition (GD) with a grade of 2.0 last priced at $142 in February 2023 back which is an increase from its $43 price tag in Sept 2014.
Why is this comic book valuable?
What makes this issue such a hot commodity? Well, this is the very first appearance of our favorite barbarian Conan. It also highlights the first appearance of King Kull too in his cameo debut. Collectors of Conan want.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$142 | $235 | $295 | $625 | $1,680 | $14,400 |
Issue #23

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- eBay Listings
What's Conan The Barbarian #23 worth in 2025?
A Conan the Barbarian #23 mint condition value has a price of $5,760 in 2021, In today's market it went for $4,320 in September 2022. Lower-grade copies haven't risen much either. An FN 6.0-grade issue just went for $131 in April 2023 increasing from its $57 price of 2019. For a VG 3.5, it has a price of $62 in February 2023.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #23 features a story by Roy Thomas. Cover by Gil Kane, and Barry Windsor-Smith, Sal Buscema, Dan Adkins. Along with Chic Stone on Art. What makes this issue sought after is that Red Sonja made her grand first appearance in issue 23.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$15 | $85 | $131 | $216 | $540 | $5,760 |