Incredible Hulk

Marvel // April 1968 - March 1999
Issue count: 539

Learn what the value of your old Hulk comics are in our FREE price guide!

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Incredible Hulk

One of the most recognizable of Marvel Comics characters, The Incredible Hulk had a convoluted history with the publication of his stories.

Starting off with a bang in his own title in 1962, this classic take on The Jeckyl/Hyde storyline only lasted 6 issues until Marvel relegated him to co-feature status in their "Tales To Astonish" title. Although the Green Skinned One remained very popular, it was not until 1968 that it was decided The Hulk should have his own book again.

Beginning with the issue numbered #102, this time out The Incredible Hulk would run for over 30 years, with the last issue of this series coming out in 1999.

Initially, the creative team of Gary Friedrich and Marie Severin were given the writing and art duties respectively, Stan Lee himself shortly returned to write the book himself, coinciding with the arrival of new artist Herb Trimpe.

Trimpe would have one of the longest stints as artist, remaining until 1975, Lee would eventually hand over the chronicling of troubled Dr. Bruce Banner and his emerald alias to Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Len Wein, Roger Stern, Bill Mantlo, etc.

Sal Buscema would spend an even longer time pencilling the title after Trimpe's departure, ending his duties in 1985!

Much happened over the years within the key issues: among the most collectible of the 1968 series are issues #141, which introduced the world to Doc Sampson; #180, in which we get our first glimpse of Wolverine (in the last panel!); #181 -  the most collectible 70's issue, and has become one of the most valuable comics of the Bronze-Age - which features the formal introduction of Wolverine; #182, the second appearance of Wolverine; #271, a valuable Rocket Raccoon crossover; #340 with Todd McFarlaine's epic Hulk/Wolverine battle.

If you have any of these, or any of the early 60's 6 issue run, you could potentially have a little goldmine!

As always, check current prices in our online price guide, and, if you are willing to sell them Quality Comix will always give you an honest appraisal!

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Key Art: Comic Book Price Guide

Issue #1

Incredible Hulk #1
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What's Incredible Hulk #1 worth in 2025?

There is only one copy of the Incredible Hulk #1 graded NM 9.4 and it has never sold. If that issue ever surfaces for sale we might see the bidding go to $750,000 due to it's rarity! The next highest graded copy brought $336,000 in November of 2018. Even mid grade and lower grade copies command a very strong premium. FN 6.0 copies will easily run you $24,000 today compared to just $8,000 in 2009, A monstrous 300% increase. In 2009 GD 2.0 copies sold regularly for a mere $1,200. Currently you can expect to pay in the neighborhood of $9,000, over 7 times the number. The Hulk should be a safe bet in any grade given his popularity and status among Marvel's fans.

Why is this comic book valuable?

The Incredible Hulk #1 is one of Marvel's signature heroes. The Incredible Hulk was introduced fairly soon after the Fantastic Four and would be part of Marvel's hero renaissance. The issue introduced the gray skinned Hulk, General "Thunderbolt" Ross, Betty Ross, and Rick Jones. All of whom would become central supporting cast members to the Hulk. This is also the only issue in which the Hulk's skin was gray. Stan Lee would declare they change it to green the very next issue simply because Marvel "didn't have any green skinned heroes". While there are a lot of Incredible Hulk #1s for sale out there only seven isues are over VF/NM 9.0 making it really difficult to find in high grade! 

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$9,600 $12,300 $27,225 $91,000 $336,000 $825,000

Sell Incredible Hulk #1

Issue #2

Incredible Hulk #2
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What's Incredible Hulk #2 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded copy is a 9.6 NM+ that brought $47,000 in 2016. If ever found, A NM/MT 9.8 would easily bring $100,000 plus in today's market. The popularity of the Avengers movies as well as Marvel's Immortal Hulk storyline saw a biit of a renaissance for Hulk. Fans are now clamoring for a movie of his own and that has raised awareness of the great opportunities for mid grade and low grade books. A FN 6.0 is going for around $3,000 today up 3x from 2009. Similarly a GD 2.0 recently brought $700 and just over $200 in 2009. Many other key Marvel books have returned 4, 5, even 6x their value in a similar time span. The Hulk books appear poised to enjoy that same level of success!

Why is this comic book valuable?

Incredible Hulk #2 saw an immediate and drastic change from the first issue. Printing difficulties had caused some major issues with keeping the Hulk's grey skin tone consistant in Hulk #1. Couple this with the fact Marvel did not yet have a green skinned character and Stan Lee would make the call to change and Ol' Mean Green was born! CGC Census shows just 883 unrestored copies recorded. Out of these less than 30 are high grade (between VF/NM 9.0 $ NM/MT 9.8).

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$700 $1,400 $3,125 $3,100 $32,000 $47,000

Sell Incredible Hulk #2

Issue #3

Incredible Hulk #3
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What's Incredible Hulk #3 worth in 2025?

The top price for Incredible Hulk Vol #3 is $$16,207, in March 2011. It’s a 9.4 rated copy, once sold in August 2004 for $12,500. In June 2021, a 6.0 copy valued at $2,161 was sold, after selling for $1,034 in 2019. A 1.0 rated copy has a value of $452 as of September 2021, but was valued at $235 the year before.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #3 of Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 is called “Banished to Outer Space!”. It was published in July 1962 with a cover date of September 1962. It was written and edited by Stan Lee, with pencil by Jack Kirby, ink by Dick Ayers, and lettering by Art Simek.

Key Facts About the Comic

The issue is divided in 3 chapters:

1. Banished to Outer Space

2. The Origin of Hulk!

3. The Ringmaster!

This issue features the first unofficial appearance of Mindless Hulk (without any trace of Bruce’s mind). Also, beginning from this issue, Hulk is seen transforming in the day, not only during the night.

Story Synopsis

Chapter 1.

While Hulk is hiding in Bruce Banner’s fortified cave, General Ross asks Rick Jones to find Hulk and have him assist in an experimental rocket ship, since he’s the only one who can survive the launch. General Ross implies that the Hulk should do it to contribute to national safety.

Rick feels bad about using the Hulk but lures him to the test site. Ross launches Hulk into outer space in the capsule and Rick soon finds out that it was all a plan to get rid of the Hulk forever.

The capsule hits a celestial storm and an energy beam deviates and impacts Rick, who is fine but feels a strange burst of energy. Then the capsule eventually detaches from the rocket and it impacts Earth. Rick goes to the landing site and finds out that the Hulk is there before his eyes, in plain daylight. 

An enraged Hulk goes after Rick but he orders Hulk to stop and, surprisingly, he obeys. Rick realizes that’s because of the energy beam. 

While Rick is asleep, he loses control of the Hulk, who goes on a rampage and invades a nearby town. Rick manages to lock him up again but doesn’t want to sleep, worried that he might lose control over Hulk again.

Chapter 2.

Rick remembers how Bruce and him trespassed into a top secret military test and how Bruce got a dose of gamma rays that changed his body chemistry.

Chapter 3.

Rick goes to the circus, only to find out that The Ringmaster is hypnotizing the audience. Still able to use his mental faculties, he asks the Hulk for help using telepathy. Hulk arrives and fights the goons but the Ringmaster manages to stun him and make him part of his next act. The FBI arrives and manages to free the Hulk, only to lose him and Rick again as they escape custody.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,900

Sell Incredible Hulk #3

Issue #4

Incredible Hulk #4
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What's Incredible Hulk #4 worth in 2025?

The highest CGC rated copy of Incredible Hulk Vol #4 is a 9.6, sold for $26,000. That September 2021 value is an increase from its November 2011 price of $22,750. An unretouched 5.5 has a September 2021 value of $1,125, but sold the previous May for $1,350. A 1.5 copy is valued at $300 as of August 2020, after being valued in April at $223.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #4 of Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 features 2 feature-length stories, called “The Monster and the Machine!” and “Mongu!! Gladiator from Space!”. It was published in September 1962 with a cover date of November 1962. It was written and edited by Stan Lee, with pencil by Jack Kirby, ink by Dick Ayers, and lettering by Art Simek.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art is split in half and features, on one side, a Gamma experiment with the Hulk breaking free from it, and the other, the Hulk on what seems to be another planet, fighting a gladiator.

This issue features the Hulk’s signature super sonic-wave clap for the first time. It also features the Hulk with traces of Bruce Banner’s mind.

Story Synopsis

The Monster and the Machine!

General Ross is testing a new rocket, convinced that this will beat the Hulk once and for all. Rick still controls the Hulk and he orders him to run away when he sees troops approaching. 

Ross has Rick Jones arrested due to his affiliations with the Hulk and his reluctance to cooperate, but the Hulk frees Rick and takes him to Banner’s secret cave. There he finds a gamma ray projector and transforms Hulk into Banner again. They manage to do a controlled transformation, having the Hulk but with Banner’s intelligence. 

He goes out to use his powers for good and he does, but the people are terrified of him. He goes back to the cave and transforms into Banner again.

Mongu!! Gladiator from Space!

An alien ship crashes in a city and Mongu appears, saying that if any earthling is able to beat him in one-on-one combat, he will leave forever. If not, he will conquer the Earth. Banner realizes only the Hulk could beat him and he transforms and goes to accept the challenge. 

When he gets to the Grand Canyon, he realizes it's all a trap and Mongu is just a Communist agent in a battle suit. Mongu commands his men to battle the Hulk but they’re unable to subdue him. He beats them all and eventually escapes with Rick. When the military gets there and sees the wreckage, they think the Hulk has staged the whole thing.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,000

Sell Incredible Hulk #4

Issue #5

Incredible Hulk #5
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What's Incredible Hulk #5 worth in 2025?

The highest value for a copy of Incredible Hulk Vol #5 is $22,108, rated 9.4 from Don / Maggie Thompson Collection. It was sold in November 2013 and hasn’t changed hands since. A 5.0 rated copy has a November 2021 value of $1,000, decreasing from its August 2021 price of $1250; and a 1.0 has a value of $345 as of June 2021, once sold for $72 in 2002, and again for $200 in 2019.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #5 of Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 features two feature-length stories, called “Beauty and the Beast!” and “The Hordes of General Fang!”. It was published in November 1962 with a cover date of July 1963. It was written and edited by Stan Lee, with pencil by Jack Kirby, ink by Dick Ayers, and lettering by Art Simek.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover features the Hulk breaking a wall and facing an enemy called Tyrannus. This is his first appearance and he’s the Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus, who stumbled on Deviant technology.

The Hulk disguises himself as an abominable snowman in this episode.

Story Synopsis

Beauty and the Beast!

General Ross commands Bruce Banner to find a way to stop the Hulk. Rick points out the irony. Within the planet, an enemy called Tyrannus watches the Earth and decides to use Betty Ross as a means to achieve domination. 

He takes a human form and gets to know Betty, introducing himself as an archaeologist. They go to explore some caves and Bruce, who doesn’t trust him, follows them with Rick. Tyrannus manages to capture the Hulk and dresses him up as a gladiator, saying he must fight to save Betty. He wins his combat but Tyrannus makes him work as a slave to keep Betty alive.

Rick manages to rescue Betty and free the Hulk, and they all escape to the surface.

The Hordes of General Fang!

General Ross uses his iceberg rocket on Hulk, but eventually he manages to break free and escape with Rick's help.

In China, General Fang terrorizes the population and Hulk goes there to stop him with Rick. He disguises as a Yeti and manages to capture General Fang and escape to a nearby island, where military forces will capture Fang. He returns to Lhasa to pick up Rick and they prepare to go home.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,108

Sell Incredible Hulk #5

Issue #6

Incredible Hulk #6
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What's Incredible Hulk #6 worth in 2025?

The top price for Incredible Hulk (1962): #6 is $20500, paid in October 2012 for a 9.6 graded copy. Other prices include $3600, paid in May 2023 for a 8.0 graded copy and $1050, paid in June 2023 for a 5.0 graded copy. 

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #6 of Incredible Hulk (1962) was published in March 1963. Writing and art by Art Simek, Steve Ditko, and Stan Lee. 

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features the Hulk battling the Metal Master. 

Story Synopsis

This issue features a story of the Incredible Hulk!


- 24 page Hulk story "Vs. The Metal Master!"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$300 $600 $1,125 $1,675 $8,975 $20,500

Sell Incredible Hulk #6

Issue #102

Incredible Hulk #102
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What's Incredible Hulk #102 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded sale of issue 102 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.8 CGC NM/M and sold for the price of $9,859 in 2011. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $52 in 2019, which allows you to have some money left in your wallet after capturing this classic.

Why is this comic book valuable?

In "-- This World Not His Own", Loki sends Hulk to Asgard, who loses his power and is protected by the Enchantress.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$50 $75 $125 $225 $800 $10,800

Sell Incredible Hulk #102

Issue #141

Incredible Hulk #141
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What's Incredible Hulk #141 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded sale of issue 141 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.8 CGC NM/M and sold for the price of $2,500 in 2019. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 3.5 CGC VG- mark sold for $48 in 2019, which is a great price for Doc Samson's first appearance.

Why is this comic book valuable?

"His Name Is... Samson" pits The Hulk against the fearsome foe named Doc Samson. This marks Doc Samson's first appearance.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$10 $25 $50 $100 $375 $5,520

Sell Incredible Hulk #141

Issue #162

Incredible Hulk #162
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What's Incredible Hulk #162 worth in 2025?

The top price for Incredible Hulk (1962): #162 is $6000, paid in May 2022 for a 9.8 graded copy. Other prices include $104, paid in September 2023 for a 8.0 graded copy and $79, paid in January 2023 for a 4.0 graded copy. 

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #162 of Incredible Hulk (1962) was published in April 1973. Writing and art by Steve Englehart, Herb Trimpe, Sal Trapani, David Hunt, and Artie Simek.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features the Wendigo!

Story Synopsis

This issue features a story of the Incredible Hulk!


- 20 page Hulk story "Spawn of the Flesh-Eater"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $80 $90 $240 $700 $6,000

Sell Incredible Hulk #162

Issue #180

Incredible Hulk #180
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What's Incredible Hulk #180 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded sale of issue 180 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.8 CGC NM/M and sold for the price of $6,900 in 2019. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $214 in 2019, so good luck finding this issue for less than a couple hundred dollars.

Why is this comic book valuable?

The Hulk takes on Wendigo, but Wolverine makes an appearance at the end of issue 180 to make this comic's worth soar.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$225 $300 $450 $725 $2,225 $40,800

Sell Incredible Hulk #180

Issue #181

Incredible Hulk #181
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What's Incredible Hulk #181 worth in 2025?

Incredible Hulk #181 is the defining issue of the Bronze Age of comic books. While there were many other characters created and that debuted in this span of time, Wolverine is by far the most popular in comics and film. All of this popularity translates into soaring values. A NM/MT 9.8 copy sold for $39,000 in 2018. You will pay a premium for any grade as illustrated by the recent sale of a FN 6.0 for $2,600. In 2009 you could've picked this book up for $600. Don't expect any deals on low grade books either as we've seen GD 2.0 copys bringing over $1,000 compared to $275 back in '09. The good news is if you are looking for a sure bet as far as increasing value and minimal market fluctuation Incredible Hulk #181 is it. There is simply no bigger first appearance in this era.

Why is this comic book valuable?

November of 1974 Incredible Hulk #181 would debut Marvel's future fan-favorite Wolverine in his first full appearance in comics. The battle between the Hulk and Wolverine would be the first of many epic and legendary such battles and stories. Less than a year later (summer of '75 in Giant-Size X-men #1) Wolverine quickly found himself thrust into the starting lineup of a brand new X-men team that included Storm, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, and Colossus. The rest, as they say, is history!

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$1,150 $1,750 $2,425 $3,800 $9,725 $138,000

Sell Incredible Hulk #181

Issue #182

Incredible Hulk #182
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What's Incredible Hulk #182 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded sale of issue 182 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.8 CGC NM/M and sold for the price of $2,750 in 2019. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $22 in 2009, so owning your own copy shouldn't be a problem.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Crackajack Jackson makes his first and last appearance in this issue. Wolverine makes a brief cameo.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$25 $75 $100 $175 $425 $6,500

Sell Incredible Hulk #182

Issue #234

Incredible Hulk #234

What's Incredible Hulk #234 worth in 2025?

The top price for Incredible Hulk (1962): #234 is $200, paid in September 2023 for a 9.8 graded copy. Other prices include $25, paid in September 2023 for a 8.0 graded copy and $36, paid in March 2023 for a 5.0 graded copy. 

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #234 of Incredible Hulk (1962) was published in April 1979. Writing and art by Al Milgrom, Roger Stern, Sal Buscema, Jack Abe, Elaine Hein, and John Costanza.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features The Hulk breaking the wall of a dorm building. 

Story Synopsis

This issue features a story of the Incredible Hulk!


- 17 page Hulk story "Battleground: Berkeley!"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $30 $70 $400 $1,287

Sell Incredible Hulk #234

Issue #271

Incredible Hulk #271
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What's Incredible Hulk #271 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded sale of issue 271 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.8 CGC NM/M and sold for the price of $1,250 in 2014. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $69 in 2019, which is a great price for this anniversary issue.

Why is this comic book valuable?

In The Hulk's twentieth anniversary issue, Rocket Raccoon steals the show in his first appearance in the series.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$50 $125 $100 $125 $200 $4,500

Sell Incredible Hulk #271

Issue #340

Incredible Hulk #340
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What's Incredible Hulk #340 worth in 2025?

The highest recorded sale of issue 340 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.8 CGC NM/M and sold for the price of $740 in 2019. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 3.0 CGC GD/VG mark sold for $17 in 2016, so owning a copy for less than twenty bucks is possible.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Wolverine and The Hulk really don't get along in this issue with their fiercest battle to date. The Uncanny X-Men make an appearance in this issue.

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$15 $25 $50 $75 $100 $14,999

Sell Incredible Hulk #340

Issue #449

Incredible Hulk #449
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What's Incredible Hulk #449 worth in 2025?

The top price for Incredible Hulk (1962): #449 is $1601, paid in July 2022 for a 9.8 graded copy. Other prices include $50, paid in August 2023 for a 8.0 graded copy and $35, paid in May 2023 for a 6.0 graded copy. 

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #449 of Incredible Hulk (1962) was published in January 1997. Writing and art by Mike Deodato, Jr., Peter David, Tom Wegrzyn, Glynis Oliver, and Richard Starkings.

Key Facts About the Comic

This issue features the first appearence of The Thunderbolts!

Story Synopsis

This issue features a story of the Incredible Hulk!


- 22 page Hulk story "Introducing the Thunderbolts"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $20 $130 $240 $2,900

Sell Incredible Hulk #449