DC Comics
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key titles below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Action Comics
(1938 - 2019)
DC/National Comics rocked the industry and set the standard with the introduction of SUPERMAN in issue#1; perhaps the most coveted and expensive comic book ever! You may be able to retire if you own this one! See Quality's online price guide and be in awe

Adventure Comics
(1938 - 2010)
One of DC's longest running titles brought us favorites such as THE SANDMAN, HOURMAN,LEGION OF S.H and notably SUPERBOY! Early & Key issues are most valuable-details on our price guide!

All-American Comics
(1939 - 1948)
DC's All-American Comics introduced the world to THE (original) GREEN LANTERN with issue #16! High-quality stories and great backups make these 40's issues having collectors clamoring for originals! Examples of going rates here...

All-American Men of War
(1952 - 1966)
Gritty 1950's war title from DC! Early issues are coveted among war collectors, and key issues introduce favorite characters GUNNER & SARGE and JOHNNY CLOUD! See what yours may be worth, just follow the title link!

(1941 - 1948)
Flash Comics, so popular for DC in the early 40's, that they started All-Flash Quarterly. And it was just that - it came out 4 times a year, and featured only FLASH stories, no backup features! Jam-packed with great stories and art, market value is high..

All-Star Comics
(1940 - 2016)
"What if we took our most popular heroes, and put them in one book as a team?" This was a fairly new idea when DC debuted ALL-STAR in 1940! Dubbed THE JUSTICE SOCIETY of AMERICA, All-Star set the standard for all "team" books!

(1962 - 1978)
A relatively minor DC character from the Golden-Age, AQUAMAN became widely adored when he was revived for the Silver-Age! See what key issues to look for in Quality's online price guide! Click the title link above!

(1962 - 1968)
Another DC hero that originated in the 40's, THE ATOM was given a face-lift and re-branded for the 60's. One of the most dynamic and innovative books of the era, these are getting hot on the collectors market! Do you have any issues?

(1940 - 2019)
The Dark Knight is 80 Years Old! Have Old Batman Comics? See what yours are worth!

Batman Beyond
(1999 - 1999)
Stories from the TV series of the most famous superhero! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

(1944 - 1984)
Fast and furious action comics from the Silver Age of Comic Books! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Boy Commandos
(1942 - 1949)
A great and often funny book, BOY COMMANDOS were, in essence, a group of misfit-wiseguy kids from Brooklyn that band together to go fight the Nazis in WWII! Rare early issues are Golden-Age favorites, but all the issues are valuable! Check details above..

Brave And The Bold
(1955 - 2017)
Started as an adventure themed book, Brave and The Bold became one of DC's "try-out" books, and introduced THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, SUICIDE SQUAD, and the TEEN TITANS! It became a BATMAN team-up book, but the key early books can mean $$ in the bank!

Challengers Of The Unknown
(1958 - 1978)
Challengers of The Unknown was one of the very finest "team/adventure" books when DC first presented them in the late 1950's. Top Notch stories and art make earlier issues much sought-out! #14 features the 1st appearance of MULTI-MAN!

Comic Cavalcade
(1942 - 1954)
Another jumbo -sized quarterly offered by DC beginning in 1942! WONDER WOMAN, THE FLASH, & THE GREEN LANTERN were featured in every issue of this scarce comic book! Very hard to find, and fetching top dollar!

Detective Comics
(1937 - 2019)
This is A BIG ONE in American popular culture! Although is existed for a while, it was with issue #27 that history was made with the 1st appearance of BATMAN!! All his early appearances go for astronomical amounts! #27 is a "Holy Grail" find!

Doom Patrol
(1964 - 1973)
The first assembly of heroes! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

(1959 - 1985)
DC decided to re-vamp THE FLASH in the 60's in a new incarnation from his 1940's counterpart. It became a consistently best-selling title for them for over 25 years! If you have early or key issues, there is some value there!

Flash Comics
(1939 - 2016)
DC Comics in the 40's just seemed to be racking up hit after hit, and when they introduced THE FLASH in 1939, he quickly became one of the most beloved heroes in their roster! Originals fetch top dollar! See our price guide!

Forever People
(1971 - 1972)
One of the first teams of superheroes opposing the dark forces that seek to dominate Earth! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

G.I. Combat
(1957 - 1987)
DC's G.I. Combat remains a favorite among War comic collectors. Several key issues are rising in value! Issue #87 has the first appearance of the popular feature HAUNTED TANK! Check what prices key issues are fetching by using Quality Comix's price guide!

Girls' Romances
(1950 - 1971)
The first dip into romance by DC Comics! Use our online price guide to see what copies of this series are worth.

Green Lantern
(1941 - 1949)
Before Hal Jordan, there was Alan Scott! Follow the adventures of the first human Green Lantern! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Green Lantern
(1960 - 1988)
DC's run of character revivals from the Golden-Age struck gold once again with their 60's re-boot of GREEN LANTERN. Great stories and art made this one an instant classic! Check what early issues and key issues are worth by clicking the title!

(1964 - 1968)
The ever-compelling HAWKMAN re-emerged for DC in the 60's. One of the most original of the DC stable of stars, issues of his own book are always rising in value! Check our online price guide!

House Of Mystery
(1952 - 1983)
Freaky and supernatural stories from the Golden Age! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

House Of Secrets
(1956 - 1978)
DC proved themselves capable of producing a quality horror title in the Silver-Age with HOUSE OF SECRETS! This book gave the world ECLIPSO, ABEL, and SWAMP THING! Very hunted-for by discerning horror fans!

John Byrne's Next Men
(1992 - 1994)
A group of people must discover their purpose and stay alive. Follow their adventures! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Justice League Of America
(1960 - 1987)
Perhaps the most popular "team" title ever! DC's JLA is extremely loved and very collectible with early and key issues being of high value! See examples of going prices here!

Leading Comics
(1941 - 1950)
1941 saw DC's Leading Comics hit the shelves. A perhaps underrated hero book which was home to SEVEN SOLDIERS OF VICTORY, with issue #15 it abruptly became strictly a "funny animal" book! All collectible, but the 1st 14 issues are the real money earners!

Mister Miracle
(1971 - 1978)
From the endlessly imaginative mind of Jack Kirby sprang Mister Miracle in 1971. DC's run of Kirby's classic "Fourth World" books are enduring and appealing to collectors! See what yours may be worth!

More Fun Comics
(1936 - 2017)
A humor book at it's inception, More Fun abruptly changed course when the superhero craze took off. We got THE SPECTRE, Dr. FATE, GREEN ARROW, and JOHNNY QUICK in these pages, until switching back to a humor title.The first-rate hero books are most wanted

Mystery In Space
(1951 - 1981)
A respectable sci-fi book in it's own right, DC's Mystery In Space, with issue #53, became the permanent home for the great space-hero ADAM STRANGE! Check Quality Comix's online price guide for current going rates!

Our Army at War
(1952 - 1977)
Known for their stellar War Comics, DC kicked it up a notch in issue #81 with the formal introduction of SGT. ROCK! Perhaps the most iconic comic book soldier of all time! His early issues are among the most desired war books on the market!

Our Fighting Forces
(1954 - 1978)
Long-running DC War comic book that gave us faves GUNNER & SARGE and THE LOSERS! Check out what these increasingly collectible comics are going for on Quality Comix's online price guide! Click the title, and follow the link(s)!

Sensation Comics
(1942 - 1952)
After being introduced in All-Star #8, DC completed their "holy three" lineup (along with Superman & Batman) by giving WONDER WOMAN a permanent home in Sensation Comics! All issues of this 40's classic fetch high prices on the market!

(1956 - 2016)
DC's Showcase was their premier title for introducing & re-introducing new characters in the 50's & 60's;FLASH, GREEN LANTERN, AQUAMAN, THE ATOM, THE CREEPER all emerged or re-emerged here! These key issues are very collectible!

Star Spangled Comics
(1941 - 1952)
Many DC heroes went through the ranks of Star Spangled. Debuting in 1941, we got STAR SPANGLED KID, NEWSBOY LEGION w/ THE GUARDIAN, ROBOTMAN, LIBERTY BELLE, & ROBIN's solo adventures! Golden-Age collectors clamor for these top-dollar books!

Star Spangled War Stories
(1952 - 1977)
Among the ranks of DC's Star Spangle War Stories passed some of best-loved characters of the genre. THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER, ENEMY ACE, & MADEMOISELLE MARIE all had lengthy runs in this increasingly collectible title! Check current values on our price guide!

Strange Adventures
(1950 - 1973)
Top-flight sci-fi comic book from DC, this series gave us CAPT. COMET earlier on-but with issue #205, the radically original DEADMAN was introduced! Truly revolutionary, no other hero like him had ever been seen before! His appearances are valuable finds

(1900 - 2003)
Superboy proved to be so popular that DC gave him his own title in 1949. Always a good bit of fun, key issues gave us 1st appearances of BIZARRO, SHAR-LA, PETE ROSS & MON-EL! Yours may be worth money - see the price guide!

(1900 - 2017)
After the overwhelming success of The Man Of Steel in Action Comics, DC wisely gave SUPERMAN his own title! Ceaselessly collectible, the first 100 issues are the most coveted and valuable!

Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane
(1958 - 1974)
Superman was SO bankable for DC, that they started giving supporting characters their own titles, LOIS LANE among them. The earlier issues hold the most value, plus the infamous "blackface" issue #106, considered a major faux-pas from DC!

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
(1954 - 1974)
After Superboy, Jimmy Olsen was the next Superman supporting character to be given his own comic. Often whimsical, there are plenty of cameos from The Big Guy himself! Things got weird when Jimmy entered Kirby's "Fourth World" storyline. Early issues =$$$

Tales Of The Unexpected
(1956 - 1968)
Tales of the Unexpected had a pretty decent run as it ran through a total of more than 104 issues. The fact that it belongs to DC Comics, this comic book is quite sought after among DC silver age collector from all over the globe

(1950 - 1972)
The Western-Frontier genre is very niche in comicdom, but DC had success when they introduced TOMAHAWK in 1950. The series ran for 22 years - a testament to the consistent quality of the book! Early issues are most sought-after, and are climbing in value!

Wonder Woman
(1942 - 2011)
A fan favorite, DC decided to give WONDER WOMAN her own book in 1940. The series took a brief left turn in the late 60's when WW gave up her powers, and the book changed it's name to "Diana Prince : Wonder Woman." 1940's issues are top collectors items!

World's Best Comics
(1941 - 1941)
The rarest of the rare in Golden Age collectibles, this 1 issue of World's Best was the prototype for what became World's Finest Comics - the book that teamed-up Superman & Batman! See the top prices this one-off is going for by following the title link!

World's Finest Comics
(1941 - 1997)
DC's enduring, long-running Superman-Batman team-up title! All the 1940's Golden-Age issues are getting harder to find, and demanding high prices! Examples of key issues and current values are searchable on Quality Comix's online price guide!