If you are a DC comics fan, you will love our Ultimate guide to locations and cities in the DC Universe.
We have covered almost everything you could ever want to know here.
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Cities of the DC Universe
When we talk about the cities of the DC Universe, we usually only talk about 2. Those are Gotham and, of course, Metropolis.
Many other cities exist within the Universe, and these consist of both fictional and existing ones. Let's take a look at the imaginary cities that exist.
Fictional cities
Happy Harbor
The hideout of the Justice League and former home of Lucas Carr. Located in Rhode Island.
Keystone City
home of Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash and Wally West, the third Flash.
Keystone City is located across the river from Central City in Kansas.
Nanda Parbat
Nanda Parbat is a mystical city that has appeared in more than one DC Comics publication and often appears as Deadman's hideout.
Ivy Town
The hometown of the second Atom, Ray Palmer. Located in Massachusetts.
The home of Robby Reed, which is located in Colorado.
Where Resurrection Man lives. Located in South Carolina.
Charlton's Point
The city where Miguel Devante, the "new Son of Vulcan," stays.
The Martian Manhunter's former home is located in Colorado.
Liberty Hill
Liberty Hill is a suburb of Washington, DC. It's the hometown of the third Tattooed Man.
Science City
Where the Titan Red Star resides is located in Russia.
David Zavimbe was first introduced as the Batwing resides in Tinasha in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Hub City
where the Question originated as well as the first Blue Beetle is in Southern Illinois.
Jump City
The location of the founding members of Teen Titans and is in the Western United States
Calvin City
The city where the Golden Age Atom lives was located in Pennsylvania.
The Resurrection Man briefly stayed in the city of Crucible. Located in Georgia, on Interstate 285.
A hidden city of bird-people. The home of Northwind. Located in Greenland (destroyed).
The fictional hometown of Superman. Located in Kansas.
Opal City
The home of Starman.
A New England town where Chris King and Vicki Grant live.
Coast City
The home of Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern. Located in California.
Monument Point
The city where the Justice Society of America is based.
Midwest City
The location of the former home of Captain Comet
The Hidden City
This ancient city is home to Homo magi, a magical race of humans, and is located in Turkey.
The home of the Hawk and the Dove. Located in Oregon.
Sub Diego
A part of San Diego submerged off the coast of California.
The city in DC Comics where Doctor Mid-Nite resides. Located in Washington.
Hatton Corners
A small town rescued by the Teen Titans from Mister Twister on their very first adventure.
The city of Supergirl's headquarters.
Central City
The hometown of the second Flash (Barry Allen). It is alternatively stated to be in Ohio, Illinois, or Florida.
Little Boy Blue hailed from the town of Radiance in the 1940s. This location is in Pennsylvania.
Star City
Green Arrow's home. The location has changed over time.
Midway City
Hawkman and Hawkwoman's former home is located in Detroit, Michigan. It was previously located Chicago, Illinois.
The home of Superman and featured in many DC COMICS stories.
Gotham City
The home of Batman and a fictional city in New Jersey, USA.
Dos Rios
Texas is home to the second El Diablo.
Gateway City
Home of Wonder Woman, the first Mister Terrific and the Spectre. Located in California.
National City
The home of Supergirl. Located in Southern California.
Gorilla City
A hidden city in which super-intelligent gorillas live in a city called Gorilla City. Solovar and Gorilla Grodd can be found at this location. It is located in Africa.
Violet Valley
A fictional version of the Doom Patrol by Rachel Pollack is set in Violet Valley.
Evergreen City
"Evergreen City" was the city where Hal Jordan lived. Location: Washington, DC.
River City
Home of Odd Man.
Civic City
Located in the heart of the city is Justice Society of America's former headquarters. This location can be found in the state of Pennsylvania.
Amnesty Bay
'Amnesty Bay' is the place where Aquaman and his father Tom Curry live on the surface. It is situated in the state of Maine.
New Venice
Based in Florida, a partially submerged city was used as Aquaman's base of operations.
The fictional home of Aztek has been generally interpreted as Oregon.
So, there you have it.
Our complete list of the cities and locations in the DC Universe.
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