Uncanny X-Men #219 CGC NM 9.4 White Pages Comic Book

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Uncanny X-Men #219 CGC NM 9.4 White Pages
Uncanny X-Men 219Back Cover Uncanny X-Men 219

Comic Book Details

Item Id447279
TitleUncanny X-Men
Grading CompanyCGC
GradeNM 9.4
Page QualityWhite Pages
Descriptioncrease bottom of back cover
Publication DateJuly 1987
StoryWelcome to the X-Men, Havok--Hope You Survive!
PencilsBret Blevins (signed)
InksBret Blevins (signed)
CharactersMagneto; Wolverine; Storm; Rogue; Psylocke; Dazzler; Longshot; Havok

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.