Fantastic Four #28 CGC FN- 5.5 White Pages X-Men Crossover! Mad Thinker! Comic Book

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Fantastic Four #28 CGC FN- 5.5 White Pages X-Men Crossover! Mad Thinker!
Fantastic Four 28Back Cover Fantastic Four 28

Comic Book Details

Item Id446416
TitleFantastic Four
Grading CompanyCGC
GradeFN- 5.5
Page QualityWhite Pages
Descriptionspine stress lines breaks color multiple stain cover small, multiple crease front cover breaks color wear cover breaks color
Publication DateJuly 1964
ScriptStan Lee
PencilsJack Kirby
InksSol Brodsky
CharactersFantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic; Invisible Girl; Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Thing]; X-Men [Cyclops; Marvel Girl [Jean Grey]; Iceman; Beast; Angel [Warren Worthington III]; Awesome Android

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.