Fantastic Four Annual #2 CGC FN- 5.5 Origin of Doctor Doom! Kirby/Stone Cover! Comic Book

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Fantastic Four Annual #2 CGC FN- 5.5 Origin of Doctor Doom! Kirby/Stone Cover!
Fantastic Four Annual 2Back Cover Fantastic Four Annual 2

Comic Book Details

Item Id440919
TitleFantastic Four Annual
Grading CompanyCGC
GradeFN- 5.5
Page QualityOff White to White
Descriptionsmall tear with crease left top of front cover breaks color multiple crease left bottom of front cover breaks color finger bends right center of front cover breaks color light wear cover
Publication DateSeptember 1964
StoryThe Final Victory of Doctor Doom!
ScriptStan Lee
PencilsJack Kirby
InksSol Brodsky
CharactersFantastic Four [Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; the Thing [Ben Grimm]; Mister Fantastic [Reed Richards]; Invisible Girl [Sue Richards]]; Doctor Doom

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.