Doctor Strange (1974) #1 VF/NM 9.0 1st App. Silver Dagger! Dick Giordano Art! Comic Book

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Doctor Strange (1974) #1 VF/NM 9.0 1st App. Silver Dagger! Dick Giordano Art!
Doctor Strange 1Back Cover Doctor Strange 1

Comic Book Details

Item Id434125
TitleDoctor Strange
GradeVF/NM 9.0
Marvel StampIntact
Publication DateJune 1974
StoryIt Lurks within the Crystal Ball!
SynopsisStrange pulled into Orb of Agamotto by serpent.
PencilsFrank Brunner (signed)
InksFrank Brunner (signed)
CharactersDr. Strange

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.