Marvel Team-up #4 VF+ 8.5 Spider-Man X-Men! 4th Morbius! Lizard Cameo! Comic Book

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Marvel Team-up #4 VF+ 8.5 Spider-Man X-Men! 4th Morbius! Lizard Cameo!
Marvel Team-up 4Back Cover Marvel Team-up 4

Comic Book Details

Item Id433374
TitleMarvel Team-up
GradeVF+ 8.5
Publication DateSeptember 1972
StoryThe Mark of the Mutants!
PencilsGil Kane
InksFrank Giacoia
CharactersSpider-Man [Peter Parker]; X-Men [Cyclops [Scott Summers]; Marvel Girl [Jean Grey]; Angel [Warren Worthington III]; Iceman [Bobby Drake]]

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.