Showcase #27 GD+ 2.5 1st Appearance Sea Devils! The Golden Monster! Comic Book

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Showcase #27 GD+ 2.5 1st Appearance Sea Devils! The Golden Monster!
Showcase 27Back Cover Showcase 27

Comic Book Details

Item Id415343
PublisherDC Comics
GradeGD+ 2.5
Descriptionstaining throughout cover
Publication DateAugust 1960
StoryThe Golden Monster!
SynopsisThe Sea Devils recoil from a giant golden claw bursting from a sunken treasure galleon.
PencilsRuss Heath (signed)
InksRuss Heath (signed)
CharactersSea Devils [Dane Dorrance; Judy Walton; Nicky Walton; Biff Bailey]; a Godzilla-like golden monster

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.