Batman #19 CGC GD/VG 3.0 Joker Appearance 1st Dick Sprang Art in title! Comic Book

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Batman #19 CGC GD/VG 3.0 Joker Appearance 1st Dick Sprang Art in title!
Batman 19Back Cover Batman 19

Comic Book Details

Item Id380489
PublisherDC Comics
Grading CompanyCGC
GradeGD/VG 3.0
Page QualityOff White to White
Publication DateOctober-November 1943
StoryBatman Makes a Deadline; Atlantis Goes to War; The Case of the Timid Lion; Collector of Millionaires
PencilsDick Sprang
InksDick Sprang
CharactersBatman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]
Key Issue1

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.