Flash Comics #89 CGC GD 2.0 1st Appearance Rose and Thorn! Comic Book

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Flash Comics #89 CGC GD 2.0 1st Appearance Rose and Thorn!
Flash Comics 89Back Cover Flash Comics 89

Comic Book Details

Item Id375620
TitleFlash Comics
PublisherDC Comics
Grading CompanyCGC
GradeGD 2.0
Page QualityCream To Off White
Publication DateNovember 1947
StoryIntroducing the Thorn, the Flash's Newest Opponent
PencilsJoe Kubert
InksJoe Kubert
CharactersFlash [Jay Garrick]; Thorn [Rose Canton]; The Hawkman [Carter Hall] (inset)

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.