Defenders #23 CBCS NM+ 9.6 Vince Colletta Art! App. by Yellowjacket! Comic Book

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Defenders #23 CBCS NM+ 9.6 Vince Colletta Art! App. by Yellowjacket!
Defenders 23Back Cover Defenders 23

Comic Book Details

Item Id359107
Grading CompanyCBCS
GradeNM+ 9.6
Page QualityWhite Pages
Publication DateMay 1975
Story...And the Snakes Shall Inherit the Earth!
PencilsGil Kane [as GK] (signed)
InksKlaus Janson (signed)
CharactersDefenders [Hulk [Bruce Banner]; Nighthawk [Kyle Richmond]; Valkyrie; Doctor Strange [Stephen Strange]]

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.