Avengers #92 CGC NM- 9.2 Neal Adams Cover! Iron Man! Captain America! Comic Book

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Avengers #92 CGC NM- 9.2 Neal Adams Cover! Iron Man! Captain America!
Avengers 92Back Cover Avengers 92

Comic Book Details

Item Id350062
Grading CompanyCGC
GradeNM- 9.2
Page QualityOff White to White
Publication DateSeptember 1971
StoryAll Things Must End!
ScriptRoy Thomas ?
PencilsNeal Adams
InksTom Palmer
CharactersThe Avengers [Vision; Goliath [Clint Barton]; Quicksilver; Scarlet Witch]; Thor (Skrull imposter); Captain America (Skrull imposter); Iron Man (Skrull imposter)

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.