Tales Of Suspense #16 P 0.5 Iron Man Prototype! Comic Book

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Tales Of Suspense #16 P 0.5 Iron Man Prototype!
Tales Of Suspense 16Back Cover Tales Of Suspense 16

Comic Book Details

Item Id336255
TitleTales Of Suspense
GradeP 0.5
DescriptionBottom staple detached, top staple partially detached, spine split 64mm, staining throughout, several tears in spine, several tears around edges, 13mm tear along top edge of back cover, 20mm and 18mm tears in front cover, 11mmx5mm hole in front cover, 15mmx5mm hole in front cover
Publication DateApril 1961
StoryThe Thing Called Metallo!
ScriptStan Lee ?
PencilsJack Kirby
InksDick Ayers
CharactersMetallo [Mike Fallon]

Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.