USA Comics
Timely // August 1941 - Fall 1945
Issue count: 17
Timely title featuring new characters (THE DEFENDER, CAPTAIN TERROR, THE VICTORY BOYS, etc.), but ended up being fronted by the known quantity CAPT. AMERICA! Still, it had some good backup stories of THE WHIZZER in later issues. Getting rarer daily!

Timely Comics struck it big in 1939 with Marvel (Mystery) Comics, whose characters The Human Torch and The Sub-Mariner became increasingly popular as the war in Europe and The Pacific escalated. Then, in early 1941, the company struck the knockout-blow when the introduced Captain America. Timely now had 3 big sellers, and it seemed there was no stopping them…
However, they may have started to over-extended themselves by releasing too many new titles too quickly. Publisher Martin Goodman and his main Editor Joe Simon immediately rushed new product on to the stands, introducing a barrage of fresh characters in hopes of replicating the success of their “big three.”
Within 2 years they rolled out the titles Daring Mystery Comics, Mystic Comics, All-Select Comics, All-Winners Comics and USA Comics (as well as giving Torch and Sub-Mariner their own books). Ostensibly, a number of these were started strictly for the purpose of featuring new heroes exclusively - but, unfortunately, many of them wound up being anchored by one or more of the Big Three in the lead story in order to bolster the lagging sales of these books starring half-baked, second and third tier characters. A prime example of this is USA Comics…
Right off the bat, the book began with The Defender in the lead story, co-featuring the The Whizzer, Mr. Liberty, Rockman (by future legend Basil Wolverton), The Young Avenger, and Jack Frost (an early Stan Lee creation and writing credit). Yeah, I know - who were some of these guys?!?
With minor tweaking, issue #2 wasn’t much of an improvement - bringing new hero Captain Terror into the lead slot, and re-making Mr. Liberty into Major Liberty (patriotic heroes with military designations were on the upswing, of course).
Same cast, minus the Whizzer, for issue #3, which, notably would be Joe Simon’s last gasp as Editor, as he and Jack Kirby exited to go work for DC/National.
#4 ; same cast. The Whizzer returns, and young Stan Lee takes over editing.
Re-tooling came with #5 with yet another new cast: The Victory Boys in the lead story, The Black Widow, The Blue Blade, Roko, The Amazing, and the American Avenger. Not great stuff, and interesting if only in the obscurity of the heroes.
Nothing seemed to be resonating with the public in USA Comics, which for Timely meant it was time to bring out a big gun to save the title… namely Captain America.
With Cap in the lead story, who could sell the book on his popularity alone, from issue #6 forward perhaps they could afford to take a few more risks. And in in issue #6 we got more changes; Alex Schomburg started doing some very eye-appealing covers. Along with Cap, we got a more streamlined book, with The Destroyer, The Whizzer and new character Jap Buster Johnson (scripted by Mickey Spillane).
# 7 would be the last issue edited by Stan Lee, who was drafted, and with Captain America still anchoring the book, USA offered a Captain Daring story (a rare full story penciled by Schomburg - primarily being a cover artist), and a slight re-tooling of Marvel Boy, who was introduced in Daring Mystery. Mercifully, this would be his last Golden-Age appearance. Oh, and we got another Spillane-penned Jap Buster Johnson feature.
Veteran Al Fago would assume editing duties with issue# 8, and the cast settled into what it would remain for the rest of USA’s short life - Captain America, The Destroyer, The Whizzer and Jap Buster Johnson. The same lineup in #9, but this time with lots of questions as to who wrote and drew the stories, due to Timely losing many of their regulars to the War effort.
Up until this time, USA ran bi-monthly, but from issue #10 through to its final issue (#17), it became a very slim quarterly, partially due to the paper shortage and the lagging sales. And increasingly, the hero stories became shorter, and more “filler” humor and generic adventure material would start infiltrating USA Comics.
USA ceased production with #17, cover dated Fall of 1945, perhaps serendipitously, as we were dropping “The Bomb” on Japan, effectively ending WWII.
All issues are RARE - and thus very in demand on the collector’s market. Follow the links on Quality Comics’ online price guide to see what recent sales have netted!
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Issue #1

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What's USA Comics #1 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #1 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is a 9.2 from the Billy Wright pedigree that sold for the price of $21,510 in February 2012. An unretouched 9.0 has a November 2017 value of $14,099, which is an increase from its July 2009 price of $8,900. A 9.0 from the Larson pedigree has a May 2007 value of $11,353.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The first appearances of The Whizzer, Mister Liberty & Rocketman, and Jack Frost occur in USA Comics #1, published by Timely Comics in August 1941. The Defender is introduced in 'The Hideous Dame Kackle' when he battles against an evil Dame. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,500 | $3,000 | $6,000 | $12,000 | $48,000 | $21,510 |
Issue #2

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What's USA Comics #2 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #2 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is an unretouched 8.5 that sold for the price of $7,107 in September 2013. That value is an increase from its April 2004 price of $2,645. An unretouched 7.5 has an April 2017 value of $3,000, and an unretouched 2.5 sold for the price of $2,195 in March 2020.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The origin story of Captain Terror and The Vagabond is told in USA Comics #2, published in November 1941 by Timely Comics. Dan Kane is Captain Terror in 'The Fiends of the Seas.' Captain Terror returns from the dead to fight Black Claw, who aims to sink American convoys that are helping the English troops fighting the Germans. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,000 | $2,000 | $4,000 | $7,500 | $30,000 | $7,107 |
Issue #3

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What's USA Comics #3 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #3 is $7,589. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is an unretouched 9.4 NM that sold in September 2014. An unretouched 9.0 has an August 2006 value of $2,475, and a 7.5 from the Big Apple pedigree has a value of $3,840 as of August 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Captain Terror stars on the cover of USA Comics #3, published by Timely Comics in January 1942. Professor John Wolf creates an invention that can make planes invisible - even when they are 200 feet in the air. Captain Terror must protect him and the device when fifth columnists try to steal it.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$100 | $2,000 | $4,000 | $7,500 | $30,000 | $7,589 |
Issue #4

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What's USA Comics #4 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #4 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is a 9.2 from the Chicago pedigree that sold for the price of $4,481 in February 2009. An unretouched 9.2 has a February 2004 value of $2,760, and an unretouched 9.0 sold for the price of $3,861 in June 2018, which is an increase from its October 2002 value of $2,415, but a decrease from its peak September 2012 value of $4,050.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Pearl Harbor is paid tribute to in USA Comics #4, published in May 1942 by Timely Comics. John Liberty stars as Major Liberty in 'The Eerie Mansion On the Hill.' Hans Stiller is a former German scientist who is now working for the U.S. Army. He creates a powerful explosive, and when Gestapo shows up to 'encourage' him to return to Germany, Major Liberty must save Hans and his invention. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$350 | $700 | $1,400 | $2,800 | $10,000 | $4,481 |
Issue #5

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What's USA Comics #5 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #5 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is an unretouched 7.0 that sold for the price of $920 in July 2002. An unretouched 6.5 has a June 2018 value of $4,125, which is a decrease from its peak September 2012 value of $5,239, but an increase from its March 2003 price of $891.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The origin story of American Avenger and Roko is told in USA Comics #5, published by Timely Comics in August 1942. Don Caldwell is a foreign exchange student in South America. He discovers the legend of El Gaucho, stumbles across the hero's costume, and decides to carry on his legend but as the new American Avenger.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,350 | $2,650 | $4,750 | $9,500 | $38,000 | $5,239 |
Issue #6

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What's USA Comics #6 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #6 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is an unretouched 7.5 that sold for the price of $2,185 in March 2003. An unretouched 6.5 has a July 2011 value of $3,500, and an unretouched 2.0 sold for the price of $1,920 in November 2018, which is an increase from its April 2004 value of $385.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Captain America takes on Medusa in USA Comics #6, published in December 1942 by Timely Comics. A noted scientist claims that a series of mysterious deaths were caused by Medusa, but when Cap and Bucky investigate, they discover this modern Medusa uses an air gun with poisoned needles to kill her victims!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,000 | $2,000 | $4,000 | $8,000 | $32,000 | $4,045 |
Issue #7

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What's USA Comics #7 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #7 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is an unretouched 8.0 that sold for the price of $16,730 in November 2014, which is an increase from its February 2004 value of $3,450. An unretouched 5.5 has a February 2014 value of $7,170, and an unretouched 5.0 has a value of $9,801 as of September 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The origin story of Marvel Boy is told in USA Comics #7, published by Timely Comics in February 1943. Martin Burns is at a museum with his class when he is involved in an accident. Martin suffers a cut from an artifact, but soon discovers it was made with the blood of Hercules. Martin develops superpowers and becomes Marvel Boy!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,750 | $3,450 | $7,175 | $16,000 | $64,000 | $19,100 |
Issue #8

What's USA Comics #8 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #8 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is an 8.5 from the Crowley Copy that sold for the price of $15,755 in May 2017. An unretouched 8.0 has an August 2012 value of $11,312, which is an increase from its July 2002 value of $2,415. An unretouched 2.5 has a value of $1,795 as of April 2018.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Captain America takes on killer beasts in USA Comics #8, published in May 1943 by Timely Comics. A Nazi scientist creates a new breed of dog that has poison sacs. When the dogs bite someone, the bitten person suffers a horrible death. Cap and Bucky must stop the Nazi soldiers from invading America with these new mutts.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$2,000 | $4,000 | $8,000 | $16,000 | $64,000 | $15,755 |
Issue #9

What's USA Comics #9 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #9 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is an unretouched 8.5 that sold for the price of $12,755 in March 2018. An unretouched 7.5 has an August 2017 value of $8,750, which is an increase from its July 2002 price of $1,610. An unretouched 6.5 has a value of $6,573 as of February 2017.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The final 'Secret Stamp' occurs in USA Comics #9, published by Timely Comics in July 1943. Major Johnson is poisoned while attending a puppet show, prompting Cap and Bucky to investigate the Black Cat club. Cap is also hit by a poisoned arrow, and when Bucky seeks to get vengeance for Cap's death, he discovers the club's owner is part of an espionage club that uses a poison that simulates death in order to steal war secrets. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,250 | $2,500 | $5,000 | $10,000 | $40,000 | $12,755 |
Issue #10

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What's USA Comics #10 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #10 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is an unretouched 8.5 that sold for the price of $5,000 in July 2011. An unretouched 7.5 has a May 2017 value of $6,900, and an unretouched 6.5 sold for the price of $5,500 in May 2016, which is an increase from its August 2015 value of $1,885. An unretouched 2.0 has a November 2019 value of $1,569.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The military bomber Thunderbird makes an appearance in USA Comics #10, published in September 1943 by Timely Comics. The true story of the military crew and their bomber is told in 'Thunderbird.' Captain America and Bucky Barnes take on General Nikki in 'Cylinder of Death.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,000 | $2,000 | $4,075 | $8,000 | $32,000 | $6,900 |
Issue #11

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What's USA Comics #11 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #11 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is a 9.2 from the Davis Crippen pedigree that sold for the price of $12,777 in December 2013. An unretouched 8.0 ha a February 2017 value of $8,365, an unretouched 6.5 sold for the price of $5,000 in July 2018, and an unretouched 6.0 has a value of $6,775 as of September 2013.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Captain America saves a damsel in distress in USA Comics #11, published by Timely Comics in January 1944. Captain America and Bucky Barnes must save a young woman who is about to be killed in 'The Washington Murder-Go-Round.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,500 | $3,000 | $6,000 | $11,000 | $40,000 | $12,777 |
Issue #12

What's USA Comics #12 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #12 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is a 9.2 from the Davis Crippen pedigree that sold for the price of $3,450 in March 2003. An unretouched 8.5 has a July 2011 value of $3,600, and an unretouched 7.0 sold for the price of $3,301 in October 2013, which is an increase from its September 2018 value of $1,000.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Captain America uses his shield in 'The Toll of Death,' in USA Comics #12, published in March 1944 by Timely Comics. The Destroyer takes on crime in Berlin, Jeep Jones brings humor to the war in 'The Vacuum Jeep,' and Whizzer stars in 'The King of Speed.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$750 | $1,500 | $3,000 | $6,000 | $24,000 | $3,600 |
Issue #13

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- eBay Listings
What's USA Comics #13 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #13 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is an unretouched 7.0 that sold for the price of $1,673 in November 2011. An unretouched 4.0 has an August 2019 value of $2,300, which is an increase from its July 2005 value of $400. An unretouched 2.5 has a value of $900 as of May 2018.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Jeep Jones makes his final appearance in USA Comics #13, published by Timely Comics in June 1944. Captain America and Bucky Barnes receive a letter from Anna Frankenstein, who arrive at the ancestral caste to find that someone has stolen Victor's long-lost notes and created a new monster.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,150 | $2,300 | $4,500 | $8,500 | $34,000 | $31,200 |
Issue #14

What's USA Comics #14 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #14 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is an 8.5 from the Davis Crippen pedigree that sold for the price of $7,170 in May 2018. An unretouched 8.0 has an October 2013 value of $5,077, and an unretouched 6.0 sold for the price of $3,375 in February 2019, which is an increase from its July 2011 value of $1,500. An unretouched 3.5 has a value of $1,600 as of October 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Bucky and Cap investigate a theft in USA Comics #14, published in September 1944 by Timely Comics. Captain America and Bucky Barnes are called in to investigate when a precious Buddha is stolen. The Destroyer must face 'The Death Singer.' ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$825 | $1,575 | $3,375 | $6,500 | $26,000 | $7,170 |
Issue #15

What's USA Comics #15 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #15 is $3,107. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 NM from the Davis Crippen pedigree that sold for the price of $3,107 in February 2012. An unretouched 9.4 has a February 2004 value of $2,990, and an unretouched 8.0 has a value of $1,315 as of February 2011.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Only four superhero stories are told in USA Comics #15, published by Timely Comics in March 1945. Captain America investigates 'The Doom of Metal,' Jap Buster Johnson stars in 'Luminous Death,' a text story tells the tale of a mysterious cargo, and Whizzer takes on crime in 'The Link Mob.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$425 | $875 | $1,600 | $3,000 | $12,000 | $3,107 |
Issue #16

What's USA Comics #16 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #16 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is an unretouched 9.2 that sold for the price of $3,900 in September 2014. An unretouched 9.0 has a November 2007 value of $1,554, and an unretouched 4.5 sold for the price of $1,200 in July 2019, which is an increase from its February 2015 value of $629.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Destroyer stars in USA Comics #16, published in June 1945 by Timely Comics. The Bloody Baron and his militia come across an American-occupied town and takes any surviving soldier prisoner. The Destroyer ambushes a Japanese tank, steals it, and infiltrates the prison camp. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$425 | $875 | $1,500 | $2,750 | $10,000 | $3,900 |
Issue #17

What's USA Comics #17 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of USA Comics #17 is $3,999. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 NM from the Davis Crippen pedigree that sold in February 2013. An unretouched 9.2 has an August 2015 value of $5,736, a 9.0 from the Big Apple pedigree has a June 2019 value of $5,200, and an unretouched 8.0 sold for the price of $2,880 in May 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
USA Comics #17 is the final issue of the series, and was published by Timely Comics in September 1945. Cap and Bucky face off against the 'Blood-Thirsty Baron,' Whizzer takes on the Black Streak, and Destroyer investigates a suspicious 'Murder in Chinatown.' ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$375 | $500 | $1,000 | $2,875 | $5,725 | $5,736 |