Sub-Mariner Comics
Timely // Spring 1941 - June 1949
Issue count: 32
Sub-Mariner Comics was another huge hit for Timely! He started out hating ALL of humanity...until the Nazi's came along, then they became his prime target (thank goodness!). Many issues contain backup stories of THE ANGEL. All worth money!

Prince Namor, THE SUB-MARINER, created by Bill Everett, who had invented the character in 1939 while working out of LLoyd Jacquet’s Funnies Inc. Studio. Jacquet had some material by staffers from a failed venture to sell giveaway comics to movie houses and theaters called Motion Pictures Funnies Weekly - this comic is a legend among collectors because only a handful of “test” copies were produced. Bill Everett’s first Sub-Mariner story was one of the prospective strips to be featured.
Enter Martin Goodman and his new venture : Marvel Comics. Acquiring some of this leftover material, and some of his staff, truth be told, including Bill Everett (although he was not under exclusive contract with Timely, and did a number of jobs for other companies at the same time), and The Sub-Mariner character.
The Sub-Mariner debuted in Marvel Comics #1, dated November 1939, and he was so popular right out-of-the-gate, that Goodman, Everett and editor Joe Simon started to plan on capitalizing on his fame by giving The Sub-Mariner his own giant-sized quarterly comic book.
Prince Namor’s personality was fully formed from the get-go; a fiery-tempered, super-strengthed, half human/half Atlantean that could exist in and out of water - with a serious beef against humanity, whom he blamed for the destruction of his undersea kingdom. He would quite often wreak havoc on humans just to mess with them, and was a generally surly presence when forced to interact with the surface people. He did however have some sense of morality, which puts him in the “anti-hero” category.
By the time Sub-Mariner Comics #1 hit the stands in March of 1941, it was inevitable that America would eventually enter the war in Europe and the Pacific, and the first issue boasted a classic Alex Schomburg cover with Subby lifting a german battleship out of the water, dumping a bunch of nazi’s into the sea. Striking stuff! Through the war years, Sub-Mariner was content to turn his rage against the Germans and the Japanese, and indeed, Timely (Marvel) did tone down his anger towards American surface-dwellers significantly during this period - he had actual human friends, and could be charismatic and even humorous at times!
The 68-page book, whose cover pronounced loudly “40 Thrilling Pages Of Sub-Mariner In Action,” co-featured another known commodity from Marvel Mystery Comics - Paul Gustavson’s The Angel.
Already having a good deal of Subby stories under his belt from Marvel Mystery Comics, issue #4 (Winter 1941) of Sub-Mariner’s own title would be the last to include Everett’s involvement due to him being drafted into the Armed forces. Al Gabriele and Carl Pfeufer would be the appointed artists for most of the rest of the original 40’s run (and would give Namor an increasingly grotesque triangular head!), with Everett doing a few stories after he was discharged.
Similarly, Gustavson would also be drafted, and the Angel co-feature would pass through many hands, most notably a very young Carmine Infantino, who would illustrate many Angel stories before moving to DC/National, to whom he would be closely associated for many decades to come.
Everything would come to a grinding halt at the end of the 40’s when superheroes went out of vogue, and the last issue of the original run of Sub-Mariner Comics would be issue #32, in July of 1949.
All of the 40’s issues are valuable - but the early ones with the exquisite Alex Schomburg covers are the priciest on the collector’s market!
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from Sub-Mariner Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #1

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #1 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Sub-Mariner Comics #1 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is a 9.0 from the Larson pedigree that sold for the price of $84,000. That November 2019 value is an increase from its July 2002 price of $37,088. An unretouched 8.5 has a February 2004 price of $26,450.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The story of the Sub-Mariner and the Angel begin in Sub-Mariner Comics #1, published by Timely Comics in Spring 1941. The Sub-Mariner's origin story is retold with new details in 'Years of Glory - Day of Doom!' Prince Namor McKenzie remembers his youth growing up in Atlantis.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$8,500 | $15,000 | $27,500 | $50,000 | $200,000 | $47,150 |
Issue #2

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #2 worth in 2025?
The top price for this Golden Age book was $7,000 in 2019 for the lone registered VF 8.0. The only VF+ 8.5 sold for a lower price of $5,290 back in 2004. There are single copies of NM- 9.2 and NM 9.4 above these grades, but they have no sales data on record. The best investment for this issue was VG 4.0 - it tripled in value from $1,000 in 2002 to today's $3,000!
Why is this comic book valuable?
This World War II era comic features Namor battling Nazi spies near the Canadian-American border.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$925 | $1,850 | $3,500 | $7,000 | $28,000 | $7,000 |
Issue #3

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #3 worth in 2025?
A single NM+ 9.6 is the top registered grade available for this issue. It sold for a top price of $13,800 back in 2005. A more recent sale for a VF+ 8.5 fetched $11,250 in 2014, suggesting higher grades could sell for much more if and when they hit the market. A VG+ 4.5 added $900 in value since 2005, jumping from around $850 to today's $1,850.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The first appearance of the Druids of the Black Moors. Winston Churchill makes an appearance in this 1941 World War II era book!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$600 | $1,200 | $2,200 | $4,300 | $16,000 | $13,800 |
Issue #4

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #4 worth in 2025?
High end sales for this issue are hard to come by. The top historical price was $4,370 for the single registered VF/NM 9.0 back in 2003. There is one NM- 9.2 above it with no sales data available. A FN 6.0 sold for $2,999 in 2017, so whoever is holding onto these high end copies is due for a big profit! VG 4.0 jumped from $850 in 2010 to today's $2,250.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A doctor uses a ghost disguise in an effort to get revenge for losing ownership of a hospital. Namor saves the day!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$750 | $1,500 | $3,000 | $5,500 | $22,000 | $4,370 |
Issue #5

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #5 worth in 2025?
A single NM- 9.2 is the highest grade on file for this issue, and sold for a top price of $14,340 in 2016. With 32 registered books on file for this Golden Age book, sales data is hard to come by. VF- 7.5 did show solid profit, doubling from $2,000 in 2005 to today's $4,100. VF 8.0 increased by $1,000 in value from $1,500 in 2003 to $2,500 in 2006. Looking at trends, the next sale is likely to be much higher!
Why is this comic book valuable?
Namor designs his own high tech submarine to battle the World War II era Japanese military.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$450 | $900 | $1,750 | $3,500 | $14,350 | $14,340 |
Issue #6

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #6 worth in 2025?
The highest sale recorded for this issue was $5,290 for a VF+ 8.5 back in 2003. There are two registered books at this grade, with single copies of VF/NM 9.0 and NM- 9.2 above it. With only 26 copies on file, it's hard to gauge the overall market. Thirteen years later a VF 8.0 did come close to the historical high set by the book above it, going for $5,019 in 2016.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In this WW II era book, Namor stops Nazi spies from smuggling TNT on the Canadian border.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$500 | $1,000 | $2,000 | $4,000 | $16,000 | $5,290 |
Issue #7

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #7 worth in 2025?
A VF/NM 9.0 set the historical sell price for this issue in 2017 at $4,453. There is one NM- 9.2 above it with no sales history. Other grades have shown fairly flat growth given the book's limited market of 24 registered copies. GD+ 2.5 did provide a decent profit in a short time, jumping from $450 in 2017 to today's value of $850.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Namor looks for the cause of a destroyed American ship, only to be captured by pirate zombies! They try to make him one of their own, but he escapes and destroys them.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$275 | $550 | $1,100 | $2,200 | $8,800 | $4,453 |
Issue #8

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #8 worth in 2025?
The top price for this book was $4,780 for a VF- 7.5 in 2012. There are two registered copies of this book at the highest known grade of NM- 9.2, with a top sale of $4,140 back in 2002. The higher grades should sell for an excellent profit compared to 2002 values if and when they hit the market.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A spy who goes by The Knife tries to plant a bomb on an American train, then tips off the Japanese fighters to the location of an American battleship. Namor uses his powers to stop both schemes.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$475 | $1,000 | $2,000 | $3,850 | $15,000 | $4,780 |
Issue #9

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #9 worth in 2025?
The single registered VF+ 8.5 of this issue sold for a top price of $3,884 in 2014. There are three copies above it in grade: single copies of NM- 9.2, NM 9.4 and NM+ 9.6. There's no sales data available for any of these books. It's a small market of 30 registered copies, so it's hard to know correct values until more become available.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Namor continues to be a major asset in the naval war against Japanese forces in WW II. In this issue, he stops General Tsaki's Iceberg Submarines.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$550 | $1,150 | $2,250 | $4,175 | $16,000 | $4,183 |
Issue #10

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #10 worth in 2025?
There are six registered copies of this issue at VF/NM 9.0, with a top historical price point of $3,884 in 2006. There's one NM- 9.2 at the top grade, but no sales data exists for it. Other grades showed growth around $1,000. A FN/VF 8.0 increased from $1,000 in 2003 to today's $2,250, while VF 8.0 went from $1,500 to $2,300 in the same time span.
Why is this comic book valuable?
American enemies threaten to flood Ohio if peace talks with the Nazis are not engaged. The Ohio River overflows, but Namor uses his powers to save the day!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$375 | $700 | $1,300 | $2,300 | $9,000 | $3,884 |
Issue #11

What's Sub-Mariner Comics #11 worth in 2025?
The single NM- 9.2 on file for this issue sold for a whopping $20,315 in 2015! One NM 9.4 exists above it with no available salaes data. VF- 7.5 provided $2,000 in profit from 2003 to today, increasing from $1,900 to $3,900. VG- 3.5 produced a better ratio in far less time, jumping from $800 in 2014 to today's $3,000. That's an increase over 300%!
Why is this comic book valuable?
Sub-Mariner stops a plot by WW II era Japanese forces to sink American fleets with an exploding decoy ship.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$450 | $850 | $1,700 | $3,825 | $15,000 | $20,315 |
Issue #12

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #12 worth in 2025?
The top sale for this issue was $4,780 for a VF 8.0 in 2015. There are five registered copies at this grade, with two copies of VF+ 8.5 and one NM- 9.2 above them. There are no sales on file for the highest grade, though the VF+ 8.5 sold for $1,380 back in 2002. Given the price discrepancy, the two copies at the top grades are due for a serious profit!
Why is this comic book valuable?
World War II era Japanese forces strap Namor to a torpedo aimed at an American ship. He uses his powers to redirect the weapon at the Japanese forces!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$425 | $850 | $1,600 | $3,200 | $12,000 | $4,780 |
Issue #13

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #13 worth in 2025?
A single NM 9.4 represents the highest grade available for this issue, selling at a price of $13,700 in 2017. The previous price was $7,800 in 2008 - a profit of nearly $6,000 over eleven years! With only 31 registered copies available for this issue, the market is unclear. VF 8.0 actually declined in value over a two-year period, while VF- 7.5 increased from $3,100 in 2017 to today's $4,560.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A villain called the Zombie Master allies with the Nazis, and they plot to assassinate President Roosevelt. Namor discovers the plot, fights off the attack and saves the President!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$600 | $1,200 | $2,300 | $4,500 | $18,000 | $13,700 |
Issue #14

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #14 worth in 2025?
A single NM+ 9.6 represents the highest grade available for this issue. It sold for a historic high of $9,815 way back in 2005. Only 33 registered copies makes for an unclear market. FN+ 6.5 actually lost value from $4,183 in 2012 to today's $2,000. VG/FN 5.0 did show a small increase from $500 in 2011 to today's $725.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The villainous Baron von Wetzel plots to use poisonous gas to destroy American forces. Namor escapes from entrapment, kills the Nazis and saves the day!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$450 | $900 | $1,800 | $3,600 | $1,400 | $9,815 |
Issue #15

What's Sub-Mariner Comics #15 worth in 2025?
There are two copies of the highest grade at NM- 9.2, with one selling at a top price of $5,405 in 2013. Other grades saw around a double in value. GD 2.0 moved from $350 in 2002 to today's $750. FN/VF 7.0 showed a similar profit margin over a smaller time period, increasing from $900 in 2012 to today's $2,150!
Why is this comic book valuable?
Pirates are killing fisherman and stealing their cargo. Namor stops them and hands the nautical criminals over to the American authorities.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$500 | $950 | $1,800 | $3,400 | $13,000 | $5,405 |
Issue #16

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #16 worth in 2025?
The high registered grade for this issue tops out with two copies at VF+ 8.5. The highest historical sale was $2,617 in 2009. Three years later this grade actually declined, dropping to $2,151 in 2012. FN/VF 7.0 was the top performer if you had patience, with more than a double increase from $625 in 2002 to today's $1,275
Why is this comic book valuable?
A powerful Nazi spy named Black Demon plots to kidnap Americans. Namor wins the fight and stops the plan.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$425 | $850 | $1,600 | $3,000 | $12,000 | $2,617 |
Issue #17

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #17 worth in 2025?
A single NM 9.4 marks the top registered grade of this issue. It sold for the first time in 2019 for a historical high of $4,320. Like other issues in this Golden Age series, profit is there if you bought early and showed patience. A FN/VF 7.0 sold for $625 in 2002 and showed no profit through 2006. But today, it's increased over double in value to $1,450!
Why is this comic book valuable?
Namor helps a decorated war veteran clear his father's name for a crime he did not commit.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$275 | $500 | $1,000 | $2,000 | $8,000 | $5,676 |
Issue #18

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #18 worth in 2025?
There are three registered copies of this issue at NM- 9.2, and one sold for a top price of $4,154 in 2018. One year later, the price dropped to $3,840. There are two NM 9.4 books above these, but they declined in value from $3,900 in 2005 to today's $3,000. VF/NM 9.0 fared better: it went for $1,400 in 2002 and stayed at that price for ten years before jumping to today's $2,100.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A mysterious mask keeps popping up and killing innocent people with poison. Namor finds the villain responsible and stops the weapon from doing more harm.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $500 | $1,000 | $2,000 | $8,000 | $4,154 |
Issue #19

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #19 worth in 2025?
Two copies at NM 9.2 are the top price point for this issue, with a historical high sale of $3,500 in 2006. The true market value is fuzzy due to only 21 registered copies available. Most grades haven't shown any increase, though VF+ 8.5 made a modest jump from $1,323 in 2002 to today's $1,725.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A mad scientist creates a mind reading device, and uses it to commit crimes. Namor finds him and destroys the invention!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$180 | $375 | $750 | $1,400 | $5,600 | $3,500 |
Issue #20

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #20 worth in 2025?
The top grade of this issue is represented by two copies at NM 9.4. The top price point was $3,910 in 2002. It's since declined down to $3,585 at its last sale in 2011. Other grades fared much better: a FN/VF 7.0 that sold for $525 in 2005 now goes for $1,350, while VF/NM 9.0 hopped from $1,600 in 2002 to $2,900 in 2006. It's hard to know if that $1,300 in profit will stick today given the limited market data.
Why is this comic book valuable?
An evil magician plots to steal $100,00 in gold from a ship, but Namor stops the plot.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $275 | $675 | $775 | $3,575 | $3,910 |
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from Sub-Mariner Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #21

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #21 worth in 2025?
Two copies of NM 9.4 make up the top end grade for this issue, with a top price of $3,738 in 2006. The last sale on record showed a decline to $2,868 in 2009. But other grades provided excellent rewards: a VF 8.0 jumped from $750 in 2002 to today's $2,000!
Why is this comic book valuable?
A mob group called the Card Killers uses deadly playing card weapons to murder and steal. Namor survives a trap they've set to kill him, captures the gang, and hands them over to the police.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$225 | $450 | $900 | $1,800 | $7,200 | $3,738 |
Issue #22

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #22 worth in 2025?
The top historical price for this issue was $1,650 for a VF/NM 9.0 in 2006. There are four copies above this grade with no sales data available: one NM- 9.2, and three of NM 9.4. Other grades provided a bit more than double in profit: FN/VF 7.0 increased from $450 in 2013 to today's $1,150, while FN+ 6.5 jumped from $450 in 2012 to today's $950.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A villain kills a professor to steal the original manuscript of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. Namor finds him, knocks him out and brings him to justice.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$225 | $450 | $950 | $1,800 | $7,000 | $2,500 |
Issue #23

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #23 worth in 2025?
The price of a mint condition Sub-Mariner Comics #23 is unknown, as the highest-rated copy to ever sell was a CGC NM 9.4. That copy sold for $8,400 in August of 2019, marking the most the 1947 comic from Manvis Publications has ever sold for. The CGC has rated 32 copies at the Universal level to date, as well as one qualified, one signature series, and three professionally restored. In December 2008, an 8.5 CGC VF+ sold for a measly $25, which shows how the value of Sub-Mariner Comics #23 has grown.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Originally published by Timely Comics in the summer of 1947, #23 is unique due to its introduction of The Shawk, a renowned villain, as well as its editor - Mr. Stan Lee himself. In 'Trophies of Terror' Sub-Mariner teams up with his sister, Namora; in 'Reptile's Revenge' Human Torch and Toro fight The Reptile when he tries to ruin a wedding.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$190 | $360 | $650 | $1,075 | $8,400 | $8,400 |
Issue #24

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #24 worth in 2025?
Printed in the winter of 1947 by Timely Comics, Sub-Mariner Comics #24 has no known mint condition value, as the CGC highest rating to date is an 8.5 VF+. The 8.5 was sold privately, and no sell price is available. A CGC 8 VF sold in March 2013 for $4,150, marking the highest amount #24 has been purchased for. The first CGC recorded sale happened in October 2002 for $331.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Also known as Marvel Comics, Timely Comics was printed by Manvis Publications in late 1947 and sold for $.10. Sub-Mariner Comics #24 features the stories of 'Viking's Vengeance,' which follows the villain Ross Palmer as he attempts to sabotage the annual boat race; 'The Harbor of Madmen!,' following Tinfish as he attempts to kill his brother for the insurance money.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$450 | $900 | $2,000 | $4,150 | $16,000 | $4,150 |
Issue #25

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #25 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Sub-Mariner Comics #25 is unknown, but we estimate that it would sell for over $5,000 if it were brought to auction. The highest-rated CGC copy sold for $1,105 in February 2009, and was rated an 8.5 VF+ unrestored. A Canadian edition, rated a CGC 8, was sold for $772 in November 2012. In 2017 a CGC 2 sold for $300, marking the most recently recorded value of the comic.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In the last quarterly issue of 1948, Timely Comics (now Marvel Comics) features the last Sub-Mariner and Namora crossover. Considered part of the 1941 Marvel series, Sub-Mariner Comics #25 was originally sold for just $.10. We are also introduced to heroine Blonde Phantom in 'You Can't Get Away With Murder.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $400 | $775 | $1,500 | $6,000 | $1,700 |
Issue #26

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #26 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Sub-Mariner Comics #26 is unknown, but we would estimate a No. 26, Volume 1, 1st print from Timely (Now Marvel) Comics to be worth more than $5,000 if it ever came up for auction. The highest-rated CGC copy sold to date has a value of $2,880, sold in May 2019. This exact copy, rated at a CGC 9 VF/NM, originally sold for $3,455 in 2018. There has only been one CGC evaluated copy of the Candian edition, rated a .5 Incomplete, which sold for $70 at auction back in August of 2017.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The U.S. Coast Guard is the special guest in this mid-1948 issue of Timely Comics, originally sold for $.10. Printed in both Canada and the U.S., #26 has three main stories; 'Murder Motor Mart' and 'Terror in the Lost Colony,' featuring Sub-Mariner; and 'Framed For Crime,' featuring Blonde Phantom.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$190 | $375 | $775 | $1,500 | $6,000 | $3,450 |
Issue #27

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #27 worth in 2025?
If a mint condition copy of Sub-Mariner Comics #27 was ever sold, we would value it at over $3,000. The highest-rated copy that has sold to date was a CGC 9 VF/NM, at a price of $1,750. That copy was sold back in September of 2006 - more recently, a CGC 2.5 sold for $482 in November 2019. The only Canadian version that has been CGC rated was a 5 VG/F, and was bought in a semi-private sale for $260.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Originally printed by Timely (now Marvel) Comics in the third quarter of 1948, Sub-Mariner Comics #27 is unique for Namora taking the lead in 'The Case of the Frantic Fisherman!' #27 was definitely woman-forward, as Blonde Phantom takes on crime in 'Back From the Past!' This limited edition series was printed in both Canada and the USA, and sold for the cover price of $.10.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$175 | $350 | $650 | $1,275 | $5,000 | $1,750 |
Issue #28

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #28 worth in 2025?
Sub-Mariner Comics #28 has held a relatively steady value, selling for average $900 for a CGC 7 F/VF. In January 2005 a CGC 8 sold for $978, while more recently a 7.5 VF- sold for $1,434 in November 2014 and a 7.0 sold for $1,267 in June 2017. Notable for this copy of Sub-Mariner is the lack of Canadian issues that have been CGC rated. Of the 28 copies that have been CGC certified, only 24 have been rated Universal and unretouched, with the majority in the 4 VG to 7 F/VF range.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Published by Timely Comics in October of 1948, Sub-Mariner Comics #28 follows Namora and Sub-Mariner as they solve a series of thefts in Hiram King's home in 'A Case of King's Ransom;' Sub-Mariner makes a joke about Captain America while treating orphans to a trip to the Statue of Liberty in 'Kids! Kids! Kids!'; and Blonde Phantom helps a friend to overcome his fear of flying in 'The Test of Fear.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $400 | $750 | $1,400 | $5,600 | $1,425 |
Issue #29

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #29 worth in 2025?
There is no known mint-condition value of Sub-Mariner Comics #29, as the highest-rated unretouched version to date has only been a CGC VF- 7.5. A professionally retouched edition rated as an 8.5 was sold in November 2002 for $1,035. The unretouched 7.5 sold for the price of $3,346 in November 2011, and a CGC 7.0 Canadian Edition sold for $800 at auction in June of 2018.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The final episode of the year for Sub-Mariner Comics, #29 was printed in December of 1948 by Timely Comics. This edition was unique due to the text story of 'Flight to Glory,' a WWII pilot who wrote to the 1956 President of the United States in 1941. Sub-Mariner tackles crime in 'The Professor and the Mermaid,' 'The Mystery of Pirate Cove!' and 'The Deadly Game of Captain Black.' Human Torch fights illegal racketeering in 'The Flame That Wouldn't Die.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$400 | $800 | $1,250 | $2,500 | $10,000 | $3,350 |
Issue #30

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #30 worth in 2025?
Sub-Mariner Comics #30 does not have a known mint condition value, but the highest-rated copy ever sold went up for auction at the price of $2,800. That CGC 8.0 VF was bought in December 2012. A CGC 8.5 VF+ has been graded, but has never been sold on the open market. Unretouched copies of #30 hold a steady value of around $1,000 - with only 11 Universal-rated CGC copies known to date, this comic is both rare and valuable for collectors.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This February 1949 addition to the Sub-Mariner Comics storyline is unique due to its name-change - originally, the main story was titled 'Slaves' under the Sea,' but was later republished in Canada titled 'Sleuths Under the Sea.' When Sub-Mariner Comics was reprinted in the USA, the 'Sleuths' title was favored over the original, making the original 'Slaves' title, with the $.10 cover price, very rare.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$500 | $1,000 | $2,000 | $4,000 | $16,000 | $2,800 |
Issue #31

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #31 worth in 2025?
The ultra-rare Sub-Mariner Comics #31 has an unknown mint condition value. The highest CGC rated copy was evaluated at a 6.0 Fine, and sold for $633 back in 2005. A year earlier a 7.0 Crowley Copy sold for $1,006. The comic has held its value, as more recently a CGC 3.5 VG- sold for $725 in March of 2019. An extremely rare Canadian Edition came up for auction in February 2015, selling for $6,300 at a CGC 8.5 VF+ evaluation.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Printed by Timely Comics in April 1949, Sub-Mariner Comics #31 features an appearance of Captain America in 'Hypnotist Horror.' Captain America's alter ego Jeff Mace saves a girl from a fatal accident, before switching into Captain America to take on a Nazi spy who has mastered hypnosis.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $600 | $1,150 | $2,300 | $9,200 | $6,300 |
Issue #32

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What's Sub-Mariner Comics #32 worth in 2025?
Sub-Mariner Comics #32 has no mint condition value, but we estimate that it could be worth over $10,000 if ever brought to auction. The highest-rated unretouched version sold at a CGC 7.5 for $5,007 in March 2013. Two years later, a retouched Davis Crippen 'D' Copy, rated a CGC 7.5 as well, sold for $7,100 in February 2015. Two 8.5 CHC VF+ have been evaluated, but never publically sold. #32 sells for between $1,000 and $2,000 for an unretouched Universal, with a rating between 3.0 and 6.0.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The final installment of the original run of Timely Comics was marked in June 1949 with Sub-Mariner Comics #32. The origin story of Sub-Mariner is told, and was the first issue to feature Princess Fen, Lady Dorma, Emperor Thakorr, Leonard McKenzie, and a new view of Atlantis. The series was canceled and replaced with Best Love Vol 1, before being briefly revived in 1954.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$750 | $1,400 | $2,525 | $5,000 | $2,000 | $7,100 |