Quality Comics
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key titles below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Crack Comics
(1940 - 1949)
Some of the first stories ever created by Will Eisner, Henry Kiefer and other legendary artists! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Doll Man
(1941 - 1953)
Meet the superhero who isn’t afraid of showing up to work in a costume! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Horror from the Tomb
(1954 - 1954)
Relatively unknown horror book from the Golden Age of Comics! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Kid Eternity
(1946 - 1949)
A comic featuring one of the first supernatural boys from Earth! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Military Comics
(1941 - 1945)
Follow these military heroes' journeys during the Golden Age of Comics! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide.

National Comics
(1940 - 1949)
The first hero of America: Uncle Sam! See what copies that are floating around are selling for by using our online price guide!

Web Of Evil
(1952 - 1954)
Former purveyors of excellent superhero comics, Quality Publications jumped into the horror arena with Web Of Evil, which proved they could really do all kinds of material very, very well! All 21 issues are worth hunting down!