Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key titles below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

(1951 - 1957)
Excellent sci-fi/horror offering from Atlas in the 1950's, proving they could survive in the changing market. The first several issue feature a revamped Marvel Boy, but no heroes after that, only top-notch stories and art!Hard to find and pricey!

Mystery Tales
(1952 - 1957)
Atlas/Marvel's Mystery Tales lasted for 5 years, and endured the implementation of the CCA, which effectively banned all "questionable" content.In many ways, this comic was the prototype for early Marvel-Age books like Strange Tales and Tales to Astonish!

(1951 - 1963)
Another pre-Marvel Atlas Comics supernatural/horror/suspense title that preceded the Marvel favorites of the late 50's-early 60's. In many cases, Mystic used the same writers and artists that would find acclaim years later! See current prices here...

(1952 - 1957)
Atlas Comics was so prolific in their offerings of supernatural & horror titles in the 50's. They continued to lay the solid foundation on which the Marvel empire would be founded later in the decade. Very collectible - see what the recent prices are here

Strange Tales of the Unusual
(1955 - 1957)
You could always expect a high-quality product from Atlas in the 50's before they became Marvel. Horror was their niche, and Strange Tales O.T.U. often used the same creative teams that would make Marvel legendary! Grab 'em up if you see them!

(1949 - 1953)
A top-notch entry into the horror/supernatural genre from Atlas! The company was at the height of their creative prowess, often using creative teams that would later find stardom at Marvel! Collectors seek these books for their high quality!

World Of Fantasy
(1956 - 1959)
Right on verge of Atlas becoming Marvel Comics, you can really see where they were headed with 1956's World of Fantasy! Excellent "proto-Marvel" stuff very sought out by collectors! See what they are going for here!