Black Cat

Harvey // June-July 1946 - June 1951
Issue count: 30

Black Cat Comics/Black Cat Mystery was a peculiar entry from Harvey.It morphed from a hero comic to a pseudo-western title, then into a graphic horror-supernatural title; and it changed even MORE after that! All issues are rare and collectible!

Black Cat

Black Cat, Black Cat Western, Black Cat Mystery, Black Cat Mystic...Harvey’s title went through several changes over the course of it’s 1946 - 1958 run.

Beginning as a vehicle for previously co-feature-only superheroine, The Black Cat - “Hollywood’s Most Glamorous Detective Star,” it was a pretty strong hero book featuring the Caniff-esque art of Lee Elias. But tastes were changing, moving away from superheroes, and beginning at about issue #20, the powers that be tried to morph the Black Cat character into a Western-genre comic book. It was a bizarre move, but the popularity of Western titles were on the rise, so I’m sure this made sense to someone at the company. It, however, did not resonate with the public in general, so Harvey returned The Black Cat to her former format.

But it became obvious that the character could not carry a book on her own, and so around issue #30, they started to not feature The Black Cat in any stories within the comic book for whom it was named.

Instead, it adopted the trendy “Anthology” format, featuring horror, suspense, crime and monster stories in each issue. Cleverly, they added the modifier “Mystery” to the title, and they were off and running; Harvey was now in the Horror game.

It became popular, and is the incarnation which is most fondly remembered by fans and collectors. 

In this era between 1951 and the Spring of 1955, if you had a horror book, there were almost no boundaries as to how graphic you wanted to get on your covers. The sicker the better. And Black Cat Mystery was pretty darned sick. Issue after issue exposing their readers with images of bondage, electrocutions, live burials, disfigured nuclear-created mutants, monster child-abduction, graveyard zombies cavorting with provocatively dressed women, hangings, more female bondage, hostile native ritual-killings, mad scientists with their victim’s shrunken-heads in beakers, men being eaten alive by rodents, implied cannibalism, and - the ultimate, in issue #50 -  a man with his face exploding into a flesh-dripping mess from exposure to radium.

A book like this is often only as good as its artists - and Black Cat Mystery had a ton of talent gracing its pages; Rudy Palais, Bob Powell, Joe Certa, Manny Stallman, Jack Kirby, Rocco Mastroserio, Don Perlin, Jack Sparling, Al Avison, John Guinta, Mort Meskin, plus many others…

But, in early ‘55 came the voluntarily adopted “Comics Code Authority” placing tight restrictions on just how outrageous you could be with content. And thus, the gross-out era was over. Issue #53 from December of 1954 was the last issue to feature horror content, and Black Cat Mystery once again became just Black Cat, opting to run reprints of the superheroine’s Hollywood and Western adventures from the late 40’s.

Down, but not out, Harvey did try briefly to resurrect the book’s former horror glory, with its last issues, #57 through #62, reverting back to that sort of faire and re-dubbing itself “Black Cat Mystic.” But it was too late, the fire had gone out and could not be rekindled.. But to this day, horror comic fans are still in for a big treat when they are able to glimpse Black Cat Mystery in all of its “pre-code” glory.

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Looking to sell your comic books?

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Key Art: Comic Book Price Guide

Issue #1

Black Cat #1

What's Black Cat #1 worth in 2025?

The top price for issue #1 of Black Cat is $4,800, paid in September 2021 for a 9.4 copy from The Promise Collection. It was the only time it was sold. A 6.5 book had a February 2017 price of $287, decreasing its 2013 value of $335. And a 1.5 copy was sold in December 2021 for $479, hugely increasing its $100 price from 2014.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #1 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in July 1946. It was written, penciled and inked by Joe Kubert, Bob Powell, and Arthur Cazeneuve.

Key Facts About the Comic

Black Cat was the comic series featuring the superhero of the same name, who first appeared in Pocket Comics #1. The series ran for over 64 issues in a 7 year-span.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Who's Who"

2. "Mystery of 3 Monkees"

3. "Fighting Chetnicks"

4. "Savage Zoot Suit"

5. Black Cat story "Ambush in Afghanistan"

6. "Cross and Double Cross"

7. "Gamble With Death"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$100 $200 $400 $800 $2,000 $4,800

Sell Black Cat #1

Issue #2

Black Cat #2
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What's Black Cat #2 worth in 2025?

The highest quality copy of issue #2 of Black Cat is a 9.6 book, sold for $2,375 in April 2021. That price is a big jump from its 2020 value of $1,380. A 7.0 copy sold in October 2010 for $171, being the only time it was sold, and a 3.5 was sold in September 2021 for $52, again selling only once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #2 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in September 1946. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Arturo Cazeneuve, George Roussos, Joe Kubert, and Art Helfant.

Key Facts About the Comic

From this issue, Black Cat started releasing the series on a bi-monthly basis.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Who is the Black Cat?"

2. Black Cat story "Banker's Holiday"

3. Johnny Nebisco story "Bang! Bang! Went the Trolley!"

4. "Dance Macabre"

5. Block Buster Barton story "The Rampaging Reporters"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #2

Issue #3

Black Cat #3

What's Black Cat #3 worth in 2025?

Only mint condition copies of issue #3 of Black Cat have been sold at auction: the highest quality one being a 9.4 book sold in July 2020 for $1,895; and the lowest one being an 8.0, sold for $143 in February 2017. Both copies were only sold once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #3 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in January 1947. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Arturo Cazeneuve, George Roussos, Maurice Del Bourgo, and Art Helfant.

Key Facts About the Comic

The series took a pause between October 1953 and December 1953, returning in January 1954 for issue #3.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Buddah's Secret"

2. Black Cat story "Alibi"

3. Johnny Nebisco story "The Billboard Case Murder"

4. "Swamp Gold"

5. Block Buster Barton story "The Mystery of the Missing Tenants"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #3

Issue #4

Black Cat #4

What's Black Cat #4 worth in 2025?

Only a handful of copies of issue #4 of Black Cat have been sold at auction. The highest price is $2,868 for a 9.6 book, sold in May 2018. The lowest is $59 for a 3.5 book, sold in April 2015.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #4 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in March 1947. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Ken Riley, George Roussos, Art Helfant, Jack Keller, and Bill Draut.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat fighting a goon.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Ghost of Blasco"

2. Danny Dixon, Cadet story "The Imitation Atlas"

3. Johnny Nebisco story "The Boulevard of Horror"

4. Soapy Sam story "The Strange Case of the Sidewalk Fisherman"

5. Red Demon story "Double Trouble"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$50 $100 $175 $300 $1,000 $2,868

Sell Black Cat #4

Issue #5

Black Cat #5

What's Black Cat #5 worth in 2025?

A 9.6 copy of issue #5 of Black Cat was sold for $7,800 in January 2022, greatly increasing its 2011 price of $995. Another copy, rated 7.0, sold only once in February 2017 for $131. And a 3.0 book, the lowest quality copy, sold for $195 in August 2018.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #5 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in May 1947. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Ken Riley, Bob Powell, Joe Simon, and Bill Draut.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat running towards the reader.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Eye of Karnak "

2. Danny Dixon, Cadet story "Adventure...South American Style!"

3. Scarlet Arrow story "Origin of the Scarlet Arrow"

4. Duke of Broadway story "My City Is No More"

5. Red Demon story "The Man Who Didn't Know His Own Strength"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #6

Black Cat #6
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What's Black Cat #6 worth in 2025?

The top price for issue #6 of Black Cat is $6,600 for a 9.2 copy sold in September 2021. However, there’s a 9.4 book also sold at auction, but for less than half the price at only $3,120 in November 2018. The lowest quality book is a 5.5 sold in October 2020 for $305.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #6 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in July 1947. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Joe Simon, Bob Powell, W. Jourdain, Jack Kirby, Art Helfant, and Bill Draut.

Key Facts About the Comic

Jack Kirby is in charge of one of the stories featured in this book, before going to Marvel Comics.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Crimson Madness"

2. Danny Dixon story "The Loaded Oyster Bed"

3. Scarlet Arrow unnamed story

4. Duke of Broadway story "Fear The Story Of A Guilty Conscience"

5. Red Demon story "The Midnight Killer"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #6

Issue #7

Black Cat #7

What's Black Cat #7 worth in 2025?

A 9.6 rated copy of issue #7 of Black Cat was sold for $2,160 in August 2019, decreasing its 2018 price of $3,120. Another copy, rated 8.5, sold for $300 in April 2005, this time increasing its previous value of $219 from 2003. The lowest quality book sold at auction is a 6.5, valued at $165 as of December 2014, again increasing its price of $108 from earlier that year.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #7 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in September 1947. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Joe Simon, Bob Powell, W. Jourdain, Jack Kirby, Art Helfant, and Bill Draut.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat surfing while chasing some goons.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Water-Skis Whipping"

2. Duke of Broadway story "Topsy Turvy Tavern"

3. Vagabond Prince story "Death-Trap De Luxe"

4. Demon story "Too Cold For Crime"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #7

Issue #8

Black Cat #8

What's Black Cat #8 worth in 2025?

The highest quality copy of issue #8 of Black Cat that holds the highest price sold at auction is a 9.6 book, sold in December 2017 for $1,150; an increase from its 2011 price of $855. An 8.0 copy sold in January 2019 for $264, being the only time it sold, and a 5.5 had an April 2017 price of $128, again selling only once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #8 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in November 1947. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Alfred Andriola, Jack Kirby, and Joe Simon.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat breaking the fourth wall to feature the stories of that issue.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Black Magic"

2. Black Cat story "The Queen of Cats!"

3. Kerry Drake story "Fingers Nelson: Part 1"

4. Vagabond Prince story "The Madness of Dr. Altu"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,554

Sell Black Cat #8

Issue #9

Black Cat #9
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What's Black Cat #9 worth in 2025?

The highest quality copy of issue #9 of Black Cat is a 9.4 book, valued at $2,271 in May 2018. That was the only time it was sold. A copy rated 7.0 had a price of $155 as of January 2018, increasing its $105 value from 2011. And a 2.5 copy of the issue cost just $37 at its last sale in November 2008.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #9 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in January 1948. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Alfred Andriola, Jack Kirby, and Joe Simon.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat fighting different goons.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "College For Murder"

2. Kerry Drake story "Fingers Nelson: Part 2"

3. Stuntman story "Killer In the Big Top"

4. Legends story "The Legend of the Sun Eclipse"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,271

Sell Black Cat #9

Issue #10

Black Cat #10
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What's Black Cat #10 worth in 2025?

Only three mint condition copies of issue #10 of Black Cat have been sold at auction. The highest rated one is a 9.6 book, sold in May 2018 for $2,629. The lowest rating is for an 8.0 book, sold at $120 in June 2009. Both prices are the only time the issues were sold.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #10 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in March 1948. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Alfred Andriola, Jack Kirby, and Joe Simon.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features two men looking at a Linda Turner poster.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Nobleman's Curse"

2. Black Cat story "Banker's Holiday"

3. Kerry Drake story "No Face (Part 1)"

4. Danny Dixon story "The Canvas Spoke to the Ghost"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,629

Sell Black Cat #10

Issue #11

Black Cat #11
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What's Black Cat #11 worth in 2025?

The most expensive issue #11 of Black Cat ever sold at auction is a 9.6 copy, bought in February 2022 for $2,280. It hadn't been sold before that day. A 6.5 issue was sold for $98 in September 2013, again, only changing hands once; and a 4.5 copy had a price of $199 as of August 2018, an increase from its 2017 value of $115.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #11 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in May 1948. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Bob Haney, and Alfred Andriola.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat blowing the candles on a birthday cake.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Terror Rides the Highways"

2. Kerry Drake story "No Face (Part 2)"

3. Danny Dixon story "The Lady Spelled Trouble"

4. Black Cat text story "Sealed Doom"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,280

Sell Black Cat #11

Issue #12

Black Cat #12
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What's Black Cat #12 worth in 2025?

The highest quality copy of Black Cat issue #12 is a 9.6 book, valued at $4,800 in September 2021. Another copy, rated 6.5, sold in September 2017 for $144, and a 4.5 book was valued at $120 as of June 2017. All three issues have only been sold once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #12 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in July 1948. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias and Alfred Andriola.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat riding a horse and shooting a gun at the sky.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Ghost Town Terror"

2. Black Cat story "Personal Appearance"

3. Kerry Drake story "No Face (Part 3)"

4. Danny Dixon story "Centuries To Spare"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #13

Black Cat #13
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What's Black Cat #13 worth in 2025?

A 9.6 copy of issue #13 of Black Cat had a price of $2,629 at its sale in May 2018. A mid-range quality copy, rated 6.5, was sold for $311 in October 2021. The lowest quality copy is a 3.5, sold for $52 in October 2020. All three books have been sold only once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #13 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in September 1948. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias and Alfred Andriola.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat jumping on a train after dumping her bike.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Crime At 2,000 Feet"

2. Black Cat story "Race For Death"

3. Kerry Drake story "The Case of the Queen of Hijackers"

4. Danny Dixon story "The Puppets Who Came To Life"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #13

Issue #14

Black Cat #14
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What's Black Cat #14 worth in 2025?

Issue #14 of Black Cat has one of the highest priced mint-condition copies ever sold, with a 9.6 copy selling for $5,280 in September 2021. A 5.0 issue sold in December 2006 for $68; and a 0.5 copy with some pages missing was valued at $100 as of August 2021.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #14 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in November 1948. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias and Ken Ernst.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat jumping over a wall to surprise disguised robbers.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Dangerous Menu"

2. Black Cat story "Jungle Death"

3. Mary Worth story "Gypsy Monez"

4. Danny Dixon story "The Whistling Terror"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #15

Black Cat #15
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What's Black Cat #15 worth in 2025?

The top price for issue #15 of Black Cat is $4,080, paid for a 9.8 copy in September 2021. The lowest quality book recorded at auction is still a good condition copy, rated 7.0 and valued at $108 as of November 2017. Those are the only recorded prices for each book.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #15 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in January 1949. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Russell Stamm, Vic Herman, and Ken Ernst.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat riding a horse near a waterfall.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Big Wood's Death"

2. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "The Case of the Aquarium Murders [Part 1]"

3. Black Cat story "Perils of Linda Turner"

4. Mary Worth story "Barry Ward (Part 1)"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #16

Black Cat #16
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What's Black Cat #16 worth in 2025?

Only a few mint condition copies of issue #16 of Black Cat have been sold at auction. The highest quality one is a 9.4 copy, sold for the first time in February 2022 for $1,260. The lowest quality one is a 6.0 copy, valued at $148 as of February 2019, increasing its $50 value from 2017.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #16 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in March 1949. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Russell Stamm, Vic Herman, and Ken Ernst.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat riding a horse following some escaping goons.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Silver Thugs"

2. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "The Case of the Aquarium Murders [Part 2]"

3. Black Cat story "The Murderous Monkeyshine"

4. Mary Worth story "Barry Ward, Part 2"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #17

Black Cat #17
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What's Black Cat #17 worth in 2025?

Issue #17 of Black Cat is not as sought after by collectors as other issues in the series. The price for a 9.4 copy is only $576, valued in November 2019 when it was first sold. The lowest price is $66, paid in 2003 for a 6.5 book. This one was also sold only once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #17 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in May 1949. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Russell Stamm, Vic Herman, and Ken Ernst.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat riding a horse and breaking a hanging bridge.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Linda Turner Rides Again"

2. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "The Case of the Boarding House Murder [Part One]"

3. Black Cat story "Trouble In Death Valley"

4. Mary Worth story "The Karen and Barry Ward Story"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #18

Black Cat #18
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What's Black Cat #18 worth in 2025?

All the copies of issue #18 sold at auction are well-kept books, ranging from 8.5 to 9.6 ratings. The highest price is for the 9.6 copy, valued at $1,170 as of February 2022. The lowest price is for a 9.0 copy, sold for $275 in September 2017. All prices are from the only recorded sale.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #18 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in July 1949. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Russell Stamm, Vic Herman, and Ken Ernst.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat knocking a man off a horse.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Oil Well Menace"

2. A Day with Linda Turner story "The Borrowed Oscar"

3. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "The Case of the Boarding House Murder [Part Two]"

4. A Day with Linda Turner story "Funny Business at the Fair"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #19

Black Cat #19
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What's Black Cat #19 worth in 2025?

Only a handful of copies of issue #19 of Black Cat have been sold at auction. The highest price is for a 9.4 book, sold in May 2011 for $311. A 7.5 book had a price of $155 when it was sold in July 2020; and a 5.5 copy was valued at $51 as of September 2019.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #19 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in September 1949. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Bill Draut, and Ken Ernst.

Key Facts About the Comic

Issues #16 to #19 were named Black Cat Western and featured stories in the West. This ends with this issue.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Golden Guns"

2. A Day with Linda Turner story "Double Trouble"

3. Mary Worth story "The Bride Who Couldn't Remember"

4. Black Cat text story "Mountain Terror"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

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Issue #20

Black Cat #20
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What's Black Cat #20 worth in 2025?

The highest price paid for issue #20 of Black Cat was $1,200 back in August 2009, for a 9.6 rated copy. It’s actually a decrease from its previous price of $2,040 in 2008. A 7.0 copy was valued at $81 at its only sale in August 2009; and a 5.0 issue sold for $57 in May 2020, decreasing its 2019 price of $157.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #20 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in November 1949. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Bill Draut, Russell Stamm, and Vic Herman.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat swinging on a tree to hit a bad guy.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Skull Island Killers"

2. Black Cat Special Feature story "On the Set with Linda Turner"

3. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "The Case of the Madman's Revenge"

4. Winnie the Waitress story "The Movie Queen"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #20

Looking to sell your comic books?

Browse our selection of key issues from Black Cat below to get an instant estimate of their value.

We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

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Key Art: Comic Book Price Guide

Issue #21

Black Cat #21
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What's Black Cat #21 worth in 2025?

The top quality issue #21 of Black Cat is a 9.6 copy, sold for $1,440 in February 2022. That was the only time that specific book changed hands. A 6.5 copy was sold at $100 in February 2015, an increase from its 2013 price of just $31. And a 5.0 book, the lowest quality copy sold at auction, had a price of $35 as of September 2007, again only changing hands once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #21 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in February 1950. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Bill Draut, Bob Powell, Russell Stamm, and Vic Herman.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Linda Turner and a man watching a Black Cat movie.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Sun Valley Terror"

2. A Day with Linda Turner story "Christmas Party"

3. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "The Case of the Madman's Revenge Part 2"

4. Black Cat text story "The Hearse Chaser"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #21

Issue #22

Black Cat #22
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What's Black Cat #22 worth in 2025?

The top quality book of issue #22 of Black Cat is a 9.2 copy, sold in February 2011 for $215. However, the top price for this issue is for an 8.5 rated copy, valued at $720 as of February 2022. Both issues were only sold once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #22 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in April 1950. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Bob Haney, and Russell Stamm.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat stopping a robbery.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Phony Crusade"

2. Linda Turner story "Mistaken Identity"

3. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "Sheriff Houndog"

4. Black Cat text story "The Missing Pearls"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $720

Sell Black Cat #22

Issue #23

Black Cat #23

What's Black Cat #23 worth in 2025?

The copy of issue #23 of Black Cat with the highest price and quality is a 9.6 rated copy, sold for $1,140 in February 2022. A 7.5 issue was sold at just $49 in September 2004; and a 3.0 had a June 2021 price of $170. There’s only one recorded sale for each copy.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #23 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in June 1950. It was written, penciled and inked by Bob Haney, Lee Elias, and Russell Stamm.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat swinging on a rope to tumble some goons.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Horror Behind the Iron Curtain"

2. Linda Turner story "Oh, Caesar conquered half the world..."

3. Famous Movie Stars story "Tyrone Power"

4. Invisible Scarlet O'Neill story "Fer a girl, yo' got a heap o' spunk..."

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #23

Issue #24

Black Cat #24

What's Black Cat #24 worth in 2025?

A 9.6 copy of issue #24 of Black Cat was sold for $1,800 in August 2018, being the only time it was sold. That same month, a 7.0 copy was sold for $113, after increasing its 2014 price of $100. And a 5.5 copy had a January 2021 price of $83, again, increasing its $54 value from 2017.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #24 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in August 1950. It was written, penciled and inked by Bob Haney, Lee Elias, and Russell Stamm.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat entering through a crystal roof to stop a robbery.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Dangerous Masterpiece"

2. Linda Turner story "A Day With Linda Turner"

3. Invisible Scarlet O'Neil story "strip reprints"

4. Black Cat text story "Pay Roll Stick-Up"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #24

Issue #25

Black Cat #25
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What's Black Cat #25 worth in 2025?

The highest rated copy of issue #25 of Black Cat is a 9.4 copy, sold for $252 in April 2009. However, the top price is for a 9.0 copy, valued at $960 in July 2018. The lowest quality book is a 6.0, valued at $456 as of February 2022. All three issues were only sold once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #25 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in October 1950. It was written, penciled and inked by Bob Haney and Lee Elias.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat riding a motorcycle and going through a wall.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Beauty and the Beast"

2. Black Cat story "Command Performance"

3. Linda Turner story "Grauman's Chinese Theater"

4. "Blind Date"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $960

Sell Black Cat #25

Issue #26

Black Cat #26
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What's Black Cat #26 worth in 2025?

The highest priced copy of issue #26 of Black Cat is $1,673, which was for a 9.6 copy in December 2011, that being the only time it was sold. A 7.0 copy had a January 2005 price of $80, after slightly increasing its $60 price of 2002. And a 6.0 book was valued at $384 in February 2022 in its first and only recorded sale.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #26 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in December 1950. It was written, penciled and inked by Art Helfant and Lee Elias.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat going through the window into a burning building.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Island of Perils"

2. Black Cat story "Murder at Malibu"

3. Black Cat story "Black Cat Un-Masked!"

4. Famous Movie Stars story "A Day With The Black Cat"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #26

Issue #27

Black Cat #27

What's Black Cat #27 worth in 2025?

Only a handful of mint-condition copies of issue #27 of Black Cat have been sold at auction. The top price is for a 9.6 copy, sold in October 2015 for $1,161. The lowest quality book is an 8.5 copy, sold for $960 in February 2022. Both issues were only sold once.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #27 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in February 1951. It was written, penciled and inked by Art Helfant and Lee Elias.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat riding a military jeep with Santa Claus.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Circus Vandals"

2. Black Cat story "Mr. Zero and the Juvenile Delinquent"

3. Famous Movie Stars story "John Wayne"

4. Black Cat story "The Fighting Bulls"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #27

Issue #28

Black Cat #28
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What's Black Cat #28 worth in 2025?

A 9.2 rated copy of Black Cat issue #28 was sold for $850 in July 2018. However there’s a 9.4 copy that has also been sold at auction, but only at $186 in November 2015. The book with the lowest quality is a 6.0 copy sold for $85 in December 2017.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #28 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in April 1951. It was written, penciled and inked by Art Helfant and Lee Elias.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat fighting a pirate.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "Flames Over Hollywood"

2. Black Cat story "The Black Cat Adopts a Kitten"

3. Black Cat activity "Black Cat Judo Tricks"

4. Black Cat story "The Crimson Raider"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #28

Issue #29

Black Cat #29
  • Price Guide Info
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What's Black Cat #29 worth in 2025?

The highest quality book of issue #29 of Black Cat is a 9.4 copy, sold in September 2017 for $575, more than doubling its 2004 price of $261. However, the highest price recorded for this issue is an 8.0 copy, sold in June 2021 for $1,000, hugely increasing its $148 value from 2004. The lowest quality copy is a 4.0 sold for $49 in July 2009, decreasing its $79 price from 2007.

Why is this comic book valuable?

Issue #29 of Black Cat Vol. 1 was published in June 1951. It was written, penciled and inked by Lee Elias, Paul McCarthy and Art Helfant.

Key Facts About the Comic

The cover art features Black Cat about to be burned alive by a witch.

Story Synopsis

The issues feature two Black Cat stories and some other shorter tales:

1. Black Cat story "The Salem Witch"

2. Linda Turner story "A Day With Linda Turner"

3. Black Cat story "Obviously, the Sceptre"

4. "Hunting for Murder"

Price Guide Report

GD 2.0 VG 4.0 FN 6.0 VF 8.0 NM 9.4 RECORD SALE!
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sell Black Cat #29